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Outrider's Nite Techniques
Old 09-18-2006, 09:24 AM #1
aka 'Paul WS Anderson' ;)
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Default Outrider's Nite Techniques

*I'm posting this for Outrider*

In this forum I’ll explain some simple lighting techniques I use that may help you to create pictures that aren’t taken in natural daylight. This includes not only night shots, but night vision effects and shots that look as if they are illuminated by a flare as well. Firstly you need to set your camera up correctly. You need to make sure the flash is turned off, and as most dimly lit pictures are reasonably tight shots, you’re better off with the macro function switched on. Most times I don’t change the shutter speed or aperture. My camera does have a low light setting, but I don’t use it because it lengthens the exposure time and therefore requires use of a tripod to prevent blurring.

The second thing you will need is an artificial light source, unless there happens to be a particularly bright full moon! For standard night shots I use a small portable fluorescent work light which cost less than ten dollars at my local hardware store. Fluorescent light has a cool, even look, which looks just like real moonlight in photos. Whilst I was there I also bought a small headband mounted flashlight which has not only a standard white beam, but also has a very bright red beam as well, which is useful if you want a scene to look as if it is illuminated by a flare (pic 1).

Once you have your figures and/or vehicles set up you are ready to start snapping. Ideally ask someone to hold the light for you so both your hands are free for the camera. All you need to decide now is what angle you want the light to come from, and how bright you want the shot to look. You can have the light down low and in front of the subject (pic2) for a dramatic look, or above and in front of the subject for a shot which will show some detail on the subject (pic 3), or above and behind the subject for a silhouette effect (pic 4).

You can even get tricky and have the light source between subjects for multiple lighting effects in one picture (pic 5).

Last edited by Sonneilon : 09-23-2008 at 07:13 PM.
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