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What Do You Like To Photograph?
Old 12-30-2010, 04:14 PM #1
Agent Viper
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Default What Do You Like To Photograph?

This questions been in my head for quite a while. With the release of the POC figures and their awesome amounts of detail and articulation, we all still have a heart for our older ARAH figures. The question is, which do you prefer? I personally love the POC line and enjoy the massive improvements of the GIJOE line but I am slowly falling back to the older joes. What do you prefer fellow board members?
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Old 12-30-2010, 06:53 PM #2
frozn 4 awhile
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I like all of the Modern Era figures.
1. easier to get
2. poseability
3. easier to custom
4. the scuplts are more realistic

I like what I see over at the fighting 1:18th.
You can tell they have fun with their toys, mix and matching everything!!!
I was at target looking at the Bravo figures you know the stuff that RDS, FC, and RickW use. Im starting to dig the more realistic figures but I like the style of the new Joes. I may dab into the customzing alil deeper to get the figures I want. Im running out of room to store my collection so I figure cutting back to like maybe a squad of maybe 10 protagonist vs a different variety of antagonist will help me save space. I like what FalconC, RickW, RED, M.Blood, cobra A., Samcro and the guys at Fighting 1:18th do!!! You should check them out over there.

Oh yeah I cant forget the Gears of War figure!!! I have a few but havent had time to build a set at that scale. They are Bad Ass!!!

Whos Da Masta
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Old 12-30-2010, 07:07 PM #3
Agent Viper
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I'd love to get my hands on the Bravo figures you mentioned!
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Old 12-30-2010, 08:07 PM #4
Prince Adam
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ARAH for me, with very few exceptions. Why? Well, nostalgia for one. I was an avid Joe collector as a kid and in my adult years I began re-buying the ones I loved as well as my most coveted figures/pieces that I did not have. There's an undeniable sense of achievement and self-satisfaction in acquiring a vintage piece most prominently because you can't walk into a Target and buy it. It has to be found at a yardsale, or ebay, or some god-awful comic shop that thinks a loose Dee-Jay is worth 20 bucks. Secondly, the almost endless extent of the items available to ARAH figures is uncanny. The only other line that could argue to have more figures/accessories/vehicles/playsets is freakin’ Barbie.

I was a huge supporter of the 25th anni. guys long before most folks here really got into them. They were considerably frowned upon around here when they first came out. The irony is I now find about 85% of those figures to be sadly disproportioned. Tiny heads, long skinny legs; there's an almost wannabe anime feel to them. That, coupled with the ridiculous reuse of parts (almost everyone w/ short sleeves has either Duke or Shipwreck arms ). I’ve always been convinced that Hasbro puts a lot more of their money into Star Wars and less into Transformers and even less into Joe and it really shows in their products as it trickles down. Hell, Hasbro at the start planned two 5-packs for the 25th anni. series and nothing else, wave 1 was a tack-on comprised of repainted figures. That, in a nutshell, is how they feel about Joe. They do not know what they have on their hands. Eventually I lost interest and eventually returned to, if not wholeheartedly basked in, the glory of my beloved ARAH O-Ring style originals and their subsequent offspring.

Aside from Joe...let's see:

-vintage SW
-new Hasbro SW
-DC (Super Powers through DCUC)
-various 1/12 movie/comic figures
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Old 12-30-2010, 08:20 PM #5
Agent Viper
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I'm really considering getting mainly into ARAH. Something about old joes just grabs my attention then new sculpt. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the POC line but their just not as much of a attention grabber

Originally Posted by Prince Adam
ARAH for me, with very few exceptions. Why? Well, nostalgia for one. I was an avid Joe collector as a kid and in my adult years I began re-buying the ones I loved as well as my most coveted figures/pieces that I did not have. There's an undeniable sense of achievement and self-satisfaction in acquiring a vintage piece most prominently because you can't walk into a Target and buy it. It has to be found at a yardsale, or ebay, or some god-awful comic shop that thinks a loose Dee-Jay is worth 20 bucks. Secondly, the almost endless extent of the items available to ARAH figures is uncanny. The only other line that could argue to have more figures/accessories/vehicles/playsets is freakin’ Barbie.

I was a huge supporter of the 25th anni. guys long before most folks here really got into them. They were considerably frowned upon around here when they first came out. The irony is I now find about 85% of those figures to be sadly disproportioned. Tiny heads, long skinny legs; there's an almost wannabe anime feel to them. That, coupled with the ridiculous reuse of parts (almost everyone w/ short sleeves has either Duke or Shipwreck arms ). I’ve always been convinced that Hasbro puts a lot more of their money into Star Wars and less into Transformers and even less into Joe and it really shows in their products as it trickles down. Hell, Hasbro at the start planned two 5-packs for the 25th anni. series and nothing else, wave 1 was a tack-on comprised of repainted figures. That, in a nutshell, is how they feel about Joe. They do not know what they have on their hands. Eventually I lost interest and eventually returned to, if not wholeheartedly basked in, the glory of my beloved ARAH O-Ring style originals and their subsequent offspring.

Aside from Joe...let's see:

-vintage SW
-new Hasbro SW
-DC (Super Powers through DCUC)
-various 1/12 movie/comic figures
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Old 12-30-2010, 09:47 PM #6
Crimson Pilot
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I really enjoyed the ARAH and was veary leary of the 25th when it came out. I actually prefer the 25th over the rest now. I have a bunch of the POC and newer but still like the stuff with the theme I grew up with but a better ability to use in pictures and displays. I wont part with the O rings but I havent picked up any outside of Goodwill as fodder. The modern stuff is the new style for a while, for better or worse. I am very flexable with the vehicles though (new/old) as long as they are compatable with what ever is used.
Klink: Schultz! Where is that radio?
Schultz: They didn't tell me!
Klink: Find it at once!
Schultz: Jawohl, Herr Kommandant.
Klink: Hogan! Where does that voice come from?
Hogan: From the accent, I'd say England.
Hogan's Heroes" (1965)
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