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Old 02-10-2011, 11:28 AM #3
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If you don't mind putting in the work, take a piece of clear blister pack cut down to the size you want. wrap a little tape around the end of a superglue gel tube so you get a smaller amount coming out. Work it like you would a pastry tube of icing and write out (or draw a picture) of what you want. Let it sit and dry and that part is ready.

The one thing about using clear is that you can lay it over a pattern if you need to, and the the next thing is you can light it up. Once it's dry you can us paint and lightly apply it so it's sort of translucent. If you build a small box, paint the inside black, and put a small LED inide, the clear part can be on the front and have exactly the look you want.

It still looks fine without the light. Just get a piece of plastic and cut it a little larger than your clear piece and glue it on. Paint the plastic piece black before gluing of course.

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