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Old 01-24-2011, 09:23 AM #14
Plastic Sciences, Ph.D
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Originally Posted by Prince Adam
These all have the potential to be great but I'm sure only a handful will be while the rest are passable or custom fodder at best. That's how it's how been since the first wave and Hasbro is nothing if not predictable.

I think that's the real issue. While mold recycling, repaints and generic base-bodies have offered some flexibility and new looks, the line as a whole has become rather stale. Every figure is a remake of a Duke, armored Cobra Commander or the MARS Trooper. The vintage ARAH figures, while less versatile for part swapping, were unique and you developed a love (or hate) for that particular character.

An example: that "cancelled" wave with the Whirlwind/green Range Viper should've been gold, but they had to throw in that damn JvC glider we've seen a million times with a mustachioed Tripwire as Ace! Lazy!! The jungle BAT will reel in money (Hasbro noticed the Black Major customs), but more bland figures made from parts we already have are going to be tough to sell. And stores seem to be tired of pegwarming GIJoe figures already.
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