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Old 01-22-2011, 06:28 PM #21
Prince Adam
Think For Yourself
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Dig the additions so far, and props to you all for having the to share your humble beginnings! We've all really come along way!

Originally Posted by dancontrino

Hold your noses...that stank! My god and thank god there were so many people around with better pictures to study

Here's the latest. I'm happy with everything but the lighting. I listened to everyone's advice on every bad shot I ever took and went from there. Not to beat the flickr horse to death, but posting there in greater numbers really helped me edit myself as well.

I used to feel bad about using the F-word, but now I just don't even sweat it any more than I would saying "TNI" or "Yojoe". Plus I think most of the people that got offended over such a trivial thing have since departed. That said I agree about the posting of multiple takes of one shot, it's helped me out a good deal in the past year or so.
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