Nice Idea!!
This is my first one.
Clutch asking Action Force Quarrel for a 'ride'
This was taken 27-11-2006. I am pretty sure I took dio pictures before this but this is as far back as I seem to be able to get.
This is my latest image.
Non-Contest really. I've learnt alot about angles and lighting. I've also learnt alot from many good diomakers and photographers both on here and on It kinda isn't fair because the camera I had back in 2006 wasn't as good as the one I have now. Having said that I worked obviously with what I had, and even if i'd of had a top camera then, I probably wouldnt of learnt all the stuff anyways.
I still consider myself to be a relative newbie and i'm always surprising myself with shots on a weekly basis.
This is a great idea though and I'm glad Prince Adam suggested it.