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Old 01-21-2011, 09:30 AM #6
I'm Really Cool.
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Posts: 1,162
rnrhero is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Apr 2005

The First:

There were many from these same shots but this was the first posted. I had just gotten that Terrordrome monster set at Joelanta and filled it with a bunch of Joes and Took Pictures. I was a regular at at the time and someone had posted a link in the customs section of all these great pictures that were showing up on this new site. Well I had to get in on that action and registered, lurked for a week or two then started posting. As a lot of you will probably realize, my contributions are randomly timed at best but this is what got me hooked. I still like this picture but have gotten way better at lighting and posing since.

My Latest:
Looking at it I realize it has been a while since I posted anything. This shot was an Idea I had in my head based on how a lot of current action flicks are filmed with the shots taking place and only one character being in focus at the onset. I don't remember what movie I was watching but I saw it done and thought it would be cool to try in a still shot. The Bokeh was other experment in that I had been trying to work more with photo technics that I am reading about and thought that it would be neat to try in this photo. My biggest take away from this is that my lighting and Focus has greatly improved.
"Better to fight for something than live for nothing." -- George S. Patton

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