Thread: 2011 Con Set
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Old 01-18-2011, 02:47 PM #15
I'm Really Cool.
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A few years ago when the show was in Atlanta Ga, Master Collector gave the head of Hasbro My name to see if I wanted to put my collection on display as a Now and then deal when the 25th figures first were coming out. I got to meet with a few of the Hasbro Reps and talk to them literally one on one for over 3 hours. That for me was one of the best Joe moments I could have ever had. They gave me a bunch of stuff including 3 Gold PDD's from the San Diego CC. Then made a plaque for me and I got a letter from from Hasbro Signed by a lot of the people in the Joe Dept which is cool if worthless but cool none the less. That being said, I am not a huge fan of the way Master Collector runs things. Ya, they listen to the fans, but are very slow to change anything. It's 2011 and this is the first year we can register online to go to the Con. There website reminds me of sites from 1995 when I first started really getting on the Internet. They are so secretive about stuff, that they usually never get the chance to actually break any upcoming news as most everything in their newsletters is old news by the time it comes out. They stopped sending out the Want Ads part of the newsletter as they were going to make it all online but a year later and we still have no idea when that goes live. If they need web programmers, they should advertise on the site and I am sure someone would get the site programmed for a paid Con-set or two. That would cost them very little and would win back some trust from there own base. They do a lot of good things and a lot bad but as Joe Fan's we are a picky bunch to begin with. Remember Fan is short for Fanatic.
"Better to fight for something than live for nothing." -- George S. Patton

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