Thread: 2011 Con Set
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Old 01-18-2011, 10:55 AM #14
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I've never been to one but just reading of what happens at them on the Joecustom boards it sounds pretty fun..except the drinking part. Its a chance to make new friends and meet old ones as well...Chance to meet Larry Hama since he's supposed to be invited to every one from now on and even a chance to meet with the Hasbro reps and talk Joe with them. Then also going to the dealer tables and being able to pick thru their buckets of scrap or finding a vehicle cheaper than on ebay.. So its MUCH more than just going and getting these selected figs. Just wish someone could win the large lotto and buy it away from Master Collector and their weird OLD way of doing things and actually LISTEN to what people want and lower prices for the sets.
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