Think For Yourself
Posts: 4,185
Join Date: Aug 2007
I challenge myself to pick up the camera every day. Even if I can’t find a lick of inspiration I push myself to make something happen w/ it. It’s become my “me” time, it’s how I blow off steam. Sometimes it’s a scene I’ve had in my head for days that I’m dying to shoot and other times I just make it up as a go and everything in between. I rarely get it on the first take. Not so much because something goes wrong but more so because a new idea comes to mind and I move something (fig, prop, light, etc.) or change the angle. I might shoot twenty pictures, especially if I'm outside, and only like two and of those two I’ll only post one as they’re too similar, at least in my head. That said I’m my own worst critic.
Lately my overall self-challenge is changing it up. Firstly by making new (and more interesting) sets particularly because I tend to routinely use a lot of the same things. Now to the casual observer that may not seem like a big deal or be as obvious but I know I’m more creative than that plus it’s always a blast being able to show off a new set or prop you’ve worked hard on. Also I do a lot of interior shots; hangars, bases, hallways, etc. etc. And when I’m doing that I’m outside shooting a woodland or a field. Once in a blue moon I’ll do an urban set but those few and far between. I want to spread my wings a bit and do more snow- and desert-themed shots as well as more vehicle shots too.
Lastly I'm trying to flesh-out some of my other Flickr sets. No I don't just shoot Joes, although a good 40% of my pictures are Joe-related. There's a handful of more neglected themes that I'm looking to add to; Thundercats, DC, and Indiana Jones to name a few.