Originally Posted by SIC DETH
I see someone else has problem coming out the closet!!! lol
I was at a thrift store yesterday and some dude was looking at the same figures and vehicles I was, so I said, "What do you collect?". He said, "Nothing! These are for my kids." I wanted to ask if his kids were 34 year old men, but I figured he wasn't ready to confront his problem
Regarding this thread, Rich, I think there needs to be more positive/constructive criticism regarding the technical points of a shot. I could always rely on memberslike Craig and Flatline and Cyko to give useful critiques as well as praise if the shot deserved it. I think we should tell someone if a great shot has been ruined by bad lighting or their visible carpet and ferns
People can't fix what they don't know is wrong and hopefully that challenges us to keep going beyond what we've already done and improve. I have to go now...too much Muligatawny