I've been doing my joe hunting mostly on the net. Ebay and smalljoes are my usual places to buy figs.
I've had some deals with fellow joedioists and tankers on hisstank, and I thank these people from the bottom of my heart for either giving good deals on figs I've been looking for awhile, or actually going and getting them from the stores themselves.
Finland did carry the Rise of Cobra figs, and I got some of them from local retailer equivalent to Wall-mart.. crazy expencive though, like 11.99 € per figure... thats like what 15-16 dollars.
So basically even if Finland would sell PoC or other G.I. Joe figs, I would still buy from the net... it's cheaper if you order enough at the same time from the same seller... and some ebay stores I use have free shipping on certain figs, so you do the math.
Also, been to New York twice in the past 1, 5 years, so imagine the amount of U.S. priced figs with me when I got back...
Walking to Toys R' Us and seeing the figs on shelves was like childhood all over again

...My fiancé claimed she saw a tear in my eye...which wasnt far from truth

... I just remember seeing myself on the mirror and looking like the Joker