Thread: Rock Wall?
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Old 01-08-2011, 10:49 AM #2
dracconian's Avatar
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this guy can teach you alot if you get trough the ramblings:

You buy blue stuff styrofoam or pink works thats used to isolate buildings,cut out pieces,cut lines of wall tiles or whatever you want ,use a blunt pen to widen the cuts,push down certain corners etc to make it irregular.

when your happy its time to make it hard.

basicly you mix transparent/white glue,water,some acrylic black paint to get grey color,plaster of paris,acrylix/latex filler.
all the ingridients must dissolve in water or it wont work.

you mix to to a goop and then you paint on in layers let it dry paint again.

mixing is trial and error.

you keep the goop in a container closed so it dont dry up on you.
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