Posts: 502
Join Date: Aug 2009
i just dont get how hasbro thinks.
the roc movie was actually a hit in sweden with a wide fanbase of kids from the 80s and 90s actionforce was huge when i was a kid.
i actually pushed the point pretty hard with one of the bigger toy retailers after not accepting no i got the most strange answer but its seemed very honest.
we have sold out all the ROC figures there is no more figures anywhere in the we wont take in more because they dont sell (???)
the answer from hasbro directly is also strange because their logic dictates that it isnt any POC figures out until the movie is in theatre...
i cant argue with that kind of logic it makes my brain hurt.
we both know they have poc figures.
i can still buy figures but it take alot of effort and its random and i buy what i can get not what i want.
i could probably buy drugs just 10 minutes from where i live but i cant buy small action figures.
its just strange...i mean the starwars figures comes in the same crate they could ship gi joe.
i work in a company that uses the same kind of logic so i know that i just means "no we have other plans period."
im not trying to get sympathy trading going here i just needed to vent some frustration i have really been poking asking mailing and calling alot of toy ppl to get somkind of grasp why its like this.