Congrats, Scarrviper ! To be fair, I very much liked your picture too, especially because of all the cool accessories thrown about. And also because the scene is done in one shot, where everything has to be perfect at once; set, position, lighting... contrasting with my picture that was a large part Gimp-magic (the BAT never actually touched any snow while I was making the picture...).
Originally Posted by troopsofdoom
Maybe after the upcoming themes are done, the winners get to choose a theme for the upcoming weeks and keep it going like that? One theme for each win.
The problem with that is that it means every theme will only be known a few days in advance of when the photos are due, which means that less people will have time to make a picture for that theme. In general, I think it's a good idea to know the themes a few weeks in advance.
Originally Posted by cyko
I'm voting for the BATman's shot of the busted B.A.T. crawling through the snow. ... Evokes a similar feeling as his shot " Forgotten ", which he also snuck a BAT into.
So cool that you mention that other picture. I also noticed, after I finished the newer shot, that they both have a similar "vibe" going.