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Weekend Warriors: Best Shot of the Weekend
Old 11-12-2010, 08:10 PM #1
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Default Weekend Warriors: Best Shot of the Weekend

Putting up a separate thread so everyone would know what's going down.

So Troopsofdoom sent me the idea for a weekly contest for Weekend Warriors. As of Monday, vote for your favorite shot from over the weekend in this thread. To vote, simply post a link to your favorite shot. Voting begins Monday and winners will be announced the following day, Tuesday.

The Rules:

1. Title your photos "Weekend Warriors: [insert current theme]"
2. Voting begins on Monday, you can vote regardless of if you did or didn't post a pic. Although you may not vote for yourself.
3. Votes will be counted by links posted in this thread.
4. Votes will be counted on Tuesday.

Sorry for the short notice, give it your best guys! I know I will.

And thanks again to TOD for the idea!

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