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Old 10-14-2010, 11:11 PM #34
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The shields I made from the ROC battlestands are explained thusly:

Hotglue those forearm shield things from POC Firefly onto the back of the painted stand. You could glue anything that will attach to the figures arm onto the stand. I glued it on at this angle by putting the shield and figure in the desired pose and matching up the arm and the attachment.

The weathering on the front of the red sigil shield was done with a little flathead screwdriver. I painted in the scratches with silver after the base coat, then apply the top coat and finally a little more silver in the scratches. The only red I have right now is a red fine point Sharpie. I think it looks ok. A little drybrush of silver around the edges and that's the weathering.

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