Hello boys and girls! I am in need of a Star Wars Talon Karrde from the comis pack with Grand Admiral Thrawn! I really only need the head with the dreadlocks/ hair for a custom! I have a bunch of fodder and o ring figs and parts lemme know what you need or are looking for! thanks a bunch cheers! DD
Is there a link to a pic of this figure? There's several comic packs at the TRU here that no one has been touching for a year. Might be something there.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/442120...ool-1187237@N23 hes the dark skinned bro that looks like a gypsy! I saw one at wall world but dont want to pay 15 bucks for the comic pack! thanks though! :) |
I'm currently looking for: Mug from General Clayton "Hawk" Abernathy from the Pit Mobile Headquarters http://www.yojoe.com/action/09/hawk3.shtml the sword w/sheath and the head from Paris Pursuit YOJOE.COM | Snake Eyes ------------------------ x1 Red Resolute Cobra Trooper complete YOJOE.COM | Cobra Trooper the ak-47 for the Cp Cobra officer scarface x2 YOJOE.COM | Cobra Officer x1 Red Resolute Cobra Trooper complete YOJOE.COM | Cobra Trooper need x2 blue Resolute Cobra Trooper need one hat from roc tru bench-press and backpack |
im mainly lookin for the 2001 wet-suit that came in the 2 pack with wet down complete if possible if not no biggie and the helmut from the 92 wet-suit
Looking for a Resolute Duke head.
just the head |
Looking for 25th Scarlett's head (single card, five pack, doesn't matter), and the head of the pre-addolecent lookin' Princess Leia from the Shadows of the Empire comic pack.
Here's my other wants/haves: http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/vi...hp?f=21&t=22963 |
Do you have a link to a photo of this? I do keep a number of spares... might have this.. might not. I don't collect SW seriously to know what I buy. I just buy the chicks for customs. Don't care if it's Legacy, Shadows of the Empire, etc. Btw, what is it with lately.. everyone only wanting heads. Is Mindbender doing some dark experiment where craniums are in demand? (image of mindbender looking over a head with a measuring tape and saying with a heavy accent "it is perfect, perfect.... We must take it to the lab...") |
I just keep invisoning the scene from "8 Heads in a Duffel Bug" where they're lined up and start singing "Mr. Sandman." Here's a link to an eBay auction with that particular Princess Leia. I call her "pre-adolesent" because she is tiny. She comes with Prince Xixior, who is the same height as a human male and she looks like a nine year girl old next to him. |
I see. I don't happen to have that one. Always wondered what happened to her. The big green dude she comes with is pretty cool. |
I am really needing this figure badly for a custom
http://yojoe.com/action/07/ladyjaye6.shtml |
anyone need the crimson twins from the crimson guard 6 pack would be willing to trade for 2001 2 pack wetsuit
Flagg Parts: fantail deck, elevator deck, fantail, fantail hull, second deck floor piece from tower, small green computer from back of wheel house, lower half of antenna mast, Tomahawk parts: chin gun, all four wings, fan tail, one small bomb, both large bombs Duke v25, complete, file card Stalker v17, no jet pack otherwise complete, file card Cobra Trooper v1, rifle, excellent paint and emblem, bootleg Filecards: Interrogator from Lock-Up pack Viper Guard from Lock-Up pack Scarlett from comic pack (versioin with skis) Cobra Commander from comic pack (hologram CC) Ripper from comic pack Thrasher from comic pack Buzzer from comic pack Vehicle accessory pack with bombs/missiles for Triple T (two missiles), Tomahawk (six small bombs), Snowcat (two ski-pedos, four missiles), Devil Fish (two torpedoes), card is a bit warped Wants: Flagg parts: main hull strip, 16 deck clips, 2 hatches, 2 Y pins, full antenna array, missile box base, 6 missiles, 2 missile tracking antennas, flag pole, fan tail railing, tow vehicle hook, tow vehicle seat, 2 refueling nozzles, refueling hose, 2 anchors, purge valve, Admiral's launch SDCC Destro pack Rollbar from Snarler Cycle O-ring Night Watch (accessories don't matter) Viper v9 (green and gray colour scheme) Viper v16 (Viper Pit version, silver mask) Night Raven (or Defiant) drone exhaust nozzle Duke v1 (or similar version) legs Clear or dark tinted HISS windscreen, not red A couple of these guys: |
Ok, this is gonna sound weird but I need a 1:18 scale brown round (Drill Sgt. Hat). Im sure somebody on here will know where to find one.
Hey Kids! The kid's looking for VvV, Joe vs Cobra, and Spytroops figs and/or parts...vehicles too, especially HISS IVs :) You know the years, 2002-2006. I've got tons of 25th, ROC figs to trade. I'll even buy if the price is good :D Let me know and thanks!
P.S. I've got an extra A-Team van to trade for some of these :cool: |
hey dan I may be able to part with a hiss IV for that A-team van if you think its an oko deal . (seeing as it doesn't look like the A-team figures will hit hear :( tho I do really really like those Hisses.
savage21 my wants and needs please help if u can
I know im new to this but here are a few things i realy want I will pay for them and postage please PM me and i will see what i can do...
wants all of bullhorns (v1) acessories Tripwire ‘83 Spirit ‘84 Scrap Iron ‘84 Deep Six ‘84 Airtight ‘85 Footloose ‘85 Quick Kick ‘85 Tele-Viper '85 Buzzer ‘85 Crankcase Iceberg ‘86 Sci Fi '86 BAT '86 Monkeywrench ‘86 Zandar Lift Ticket (old style not 25th style!!!!) Slipstream ‘86 Motor Viper Strato Viper Thrasher ‘86 Fast Draw Law & Order ‘87 - complete Outback ‘87 Sneak Peek Big Boa Croc Master ('87 or the VvV) Crystal Ball Golobulus Zanzibar ‘87 Blizzard ‘88 Budo ‘88 Hardball Lightfoot Muskrat ‘88 Repeater ‘88 Shockwave '88 Spearhead Voltar Deep Six ‘89 Recoil Barbecue Slaughter’s Marauders Frag Viper ‘89 HEAT Viper ‘89 Gnawgahyde - with boar Annihilator Overlord ‘89 Darklon Ambush ‘90 Salvo ‘90 Sub Zero ‘90 Laser Viper ‘90 Rock Viper ‘90 Saw Viper ‘90 Metal Head ‘90 Altitude Major Bludd Cold Front Tracker Red Star BAT ‘91 Desert Scorpion Incinerator Snow Serpent ‘91 Bullet Proof DEF Cesspool Colonel Courage Crossfire 2001 Doubleblast 2001 Scrap Iron Dragonsky (comic pack) Crimson Guard (old styles not 25A!!!) big lobb major barrage Sgt savage (any) Cobra viper (loose) Tollboth the toss'n'cross bridge layer Thunder VAMP any Night Ops Humvee any Hulk (GI Joe like figures) or vehicles Gi Joe Vs Cobra MUV / Beachhead Radio Control Spy Troops Vehicle other items all items loose but in excelent condition Allan Grant figure (NET) serise 2 ROBERT MULDOON (either one in loose butr excellent condition) Jaws Jackson accessories not figure (just his With Hair-Trigger Dinosaur Trap, Flashlight, and the part tht attaches to his back) IAN MALCOLM: figure and With Launching Tranq-Missile Dart, Backpack TLWJP MCC electronic lights (working and in excelent condition) PETER LUDLOW SARAH HARDING TYRANNOSAURUS REX (THRASHER) NICK VAN OWEN Tracking Specialist" with Capture Pack serise 2 AJAY SIDHU serise 2 I do not have anything i can trade but i can pay for them with money. |
H:MOC RoC figures W: SDCC Destro set
I prefer to trade, but I will buy or sell if the price is right. I will do PayPal.
I will be out of of town, away from my collection, from July 8th to July 24th, but I'll still have computer access, so trades can still be put into the planning stages, they'll just have to wait till I get home. Some of these are PENDING, but they're not gone. Have: MOC RoC Breaker PENDING MOC RoC Scarlett, reactive armour PENDING MOC RoC Scarlett in grey camo MOC RoC Sgt. Stone PENDING MOC RoC Agent Helix MOC RoC Accelerator Suit Ripcord MOC RoC Arctic Shipwreck PENDING MOC RoC Paris Persuit Storm Shadow MOC RoC Desert Ambush Neo-Viper Loose PoC HISS tank driver, revolver, back pack, ceremonial staff, file card Loose Duke v25, helmet, rifle, pistol, bandolier, fig stand, file card Loose Sergeant Stone, rifle, pistol, vest, knife, spring loaded launcher, fig stand, file card PENDING Loose Stalker from DVD pack, rifle, web gear, file card, fig stand, no jet pack Loose Falcon v1, shotgun, knife, backpack, antenna NOT broken, file card PENDING Loose Lady Jaye v5 Comic pack version, with gun and helmet Loose Tomax & Xamot v1, guns, zip line trolly, string, file card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wants: SDCC Destro pack Complete Resolute Baroness, Destro, Firefly from new seven pack Rollbar from Snarler Cycle PENDING Head from Clone Wars Padme in adventure gear Neckerchief from 25th Falcon, Tunnel Rat or similar Boonie hat from Cross Hair or similar (Shipwreck v8, v9, Classified), not from Bench Press, Pit Commando or Desert Ripcord 1:18 scale welding mask Lego Batman for the Playstation 2, with original box and inserts. |
One translucent Wraith up for trade.
Best offer - |
These are the HAVES
Star Wars BAD #57 K'Kruhk x2 Carded w/droid part (can be made loose) BAD #61 Shaak Ti x2 Carded w/Droid Part (can be made loose) BAD HK-50 Left Arm BAD HK-50 Right Arm BAD BG-J38 Head BAD BG-J38 Right Leg Dark Empire Issues 1-6 Dark Empire II/Empire's End TPB (looking for something in the neighborhood of 1 comic pack, 2 figures or $15 for all the DE stuff). Legacy #1 Comic GI Joe GI Joe O-Ring Fodder (by parts or whole lot) These are the WANTS Star Wars BAD#24 Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi--just body, don't need the outer robe, accessories or head. YVH BAD Droid. 2 would be great, will $$$$ Tales of the Jedi Comic Pack: Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma WEG METAL RPG minis WotC Metal RPG minis: Human Female Jedi Padawan, Wookie Scout, (But any other is ok too) Boba Fett (Pit of Carcoon) Jetpack effect x2 GI Joe Road Pig Head Darklon Head HISS II Missile Other Marvel Universe Juggernaught Just the body no head or helmet required If not exact, make an offer if there is something you want. I'm sure we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. |
Was in Arizona this weekend and stumbled on two Wraith Action figures if anybody needs one...or two!! My Wants/ Needs list on my website has been updated! Check it out!
Oh sure man, you come to Arizona the one weekend I'm out of town. WTF,O?
Here is my Want list. Always looking for trades. I have a bunch of 25th stuff both in and out of package. I will come up with a list in the near future. Also always looking for Cheap-Cheap 12in WWII figures.
GI Joe Needs List UK Exclusives Spirit Jammer (stalker repaint) Guacho Dolphin Moondancer Mutt Crimson Guard Immortal Slaughter's Marauders Low-Light Tiger Force Blizzard Tiger Force Hit&Run Tiger Force Outback Tiger Force Sneak Peek Tiger Force Tunnel Rat 1982 Grand Slam (straight arm) Hawk (straight Arm) Scarlett (straight Arm) Short Fuze (Straight Arm) Stalker (Straight Arm) Cobra Commander (Straight Arm) MMS Ram 1983 Breaker Grunt Cobra Commander Hawk Rock n Roll Scarlett Snake Eyes Stalker Steeler Zap Grand Slam Silver Version Falcon Glider All 3 Pac/Rat’s Twin Battle Gun Cobra Glider Flack 1984 Zartan w/ Skiff Biouac Killer Whale Machine Gun Defense Unit Missile Defense Unit Manta Mortar Defense Unit Mountain Howitzer Slugger Vamp Mark II 1985 Quick Kick Trip Wire listen n Fun version Snake Eyes w/Timber v2 Ripper Xamot Armadillo C.A.T Bomb Disposal Check Point Alpha Forward Observer Unit Mauler Parachute Pack Silver Mirage Blue Snake Armour Snow Cat Weapon Transport 1986 Leatherneck RoadBlock v2 Sci-Fi Fridge Claymore Mission Brazil Leather Neck Mission Brazil Thrasher Viper Zarana Devilfish Dreadnok air assault Dreadnok Ground Assault Swampfire Thunder Machine 1987 Back-Stop Crazylegs Fast Draw Gung-ho v2 Hard Top Outback Payload Starduster Rumbler Mercer Red Dog Taurus Cobra Commander battle Armor Zanzibar Defiant Air Skiff 1988 Armadillo Budo Lightfoot Muskrat Repeater Sgt. Slaughter Skidmark Super Trooper Max Wildcard NF Falcon NF Outback NF Tunnel Rat TF Lifeline Astro-Viper Ferret Iron Grenadiers Road Pig Secto Viper DEMON Destro’s Despoiler Desert Fox Rolling Thunder Warthog 1989 Backblast Countdown Deep Six Dogfight Downtown Hot Seat Payload Recoil Snake Eyes V3 Windchill NF Charbroil NF Lightfoot NF Muskrat NF Repeater NF Shockwave NF Spearhead and Max SM Barbecue SM Footloose SM Low Light SM Mutt SM SGT Slaughter SM Spirit Aero-Viper Alley Viper Annihilater Heat Viper Night Viper Targat Track Viper Wild Boar Condor Z2S Crusader Shuttle Mudfighter Thunderclap SM Armadillo Python Stun SM Equalizer SM Lynx ARGENTINA # Cobra Invasor # Cobra Mortal # Glenda # Manleh # Redmack # Shimik # Topson # Zap # Ninja-Ku # Satan # Sokerk 1 (Tan Grunt) # Sparta (Cover Girl) # Condor (Airborne) # T.N.T. # Antorcha (Blowtorch) # Calavera (Torch) # Fuera de la Ley (Destro) # Sigilo (Quick Kick) # Fuego (Ripcord) # Sgto. Slaughter # S.O.S. (Doc) # Back-Stop # BRAZIL # Cobra de Aço # Cobra Invasor # Estopim (Tan Grunt) # Falcon Piloto # Condor (Airborne) # Sparta (Cover Girl) # Armadilha (Beachhead) # Baioneta (Spearhead) # Cérebro (Mace) # Alpinista (Hit n Run) # Gung-Ho # Comando Rajada (Rampart) # Pântano (Iceberg) # Python (Python Officer) # Tiro Certo (Bulletproof) # Voltar BRAZIL (Forca Fera) # Kangor (Big Boa) # Leontor (Backblast) # Tigor # Urzor BRAZIL (Forca Eco) # Biológico # Biomassa # Biosfera # Corrosão # Poluicão (Cesspool) BRAZIL (Forca Electronica) # Annihilator # Estilhaço (HEAT Viper) # Letal # Retaguarda (Repeater) # Scoop BRAZIL (Forca Naja) # Gatilho # Relámpago BRAZIL (Forca Tigre) # Duque (Duke) # Felino # Marujo BRAZIL (Patrulha do Ar) # Abutre Negro # Águia Commando # Albatroz # Escorpião Voador BRAZIL (Forca Bruta) # Brutus (Headhunters) # Coronel Coragem (Colonel Courage) # Marfim (Outback) # Vândalo (Gristle) BRAZIL (Forca Delta) # Asa Negra (Headhunter Stormtroopers) # Bólidus (Law) # Pégasus (Cross Country) # Réptil Do Ar (Crimson Guard Commander) |
Just a couple of MAJOR wants presently for me...........
Wolverine Missiles Whale propeller fan and shaft X2 to finally complete my Whale. |
They all must go!!!!
Hey everyone, it's that time again, time to Clear out some clutter.
Here's what I have for sale/trade DC Infinite heroes (All, including a 40 pack of stands, the tru exclusives, walmart exclusives, matty exclusives, and sdcc exclsive). Marvel figures, (universe, spiderman, and iron man figures). all loose except spiderman and his amazing friends, iron fist and silver surfer, those are still sealed. Indiana Jones figures and vehicles, )I have most of the figures, except the temple of doom and mail away, those are gone. Kenner Super Powers, Collection, I have all vehicles except the justice jogger, and kaliback bomber. I do have the boxes to the hall of justice, lex soar 7, and darkseid destroyer. I do have figures, but I will have to unpack to check on who is complete and who has no weapons. Feel free to ask for pics of whatever you'd like to see, all of these except noted are loose complete and have only been displayed. Thans for looking. What I'm looking for: All modern 25th, Resolute, Rise of Cobra & Pursuit of cobra Figures, vehicles, Comic packs and exclusives, especilly tru exclusives (Bench Press, Snow Serpent,Firefly, Barbecue, Quick Kick & Spirit, multipacks etc.). |
Alright guys let's start with pics of superpowers, some unopened dc infinite heroes, and the fantastic four stuff I have (bear with me guys I'm working with the cam on my phone).
UPDATE: 07/08/10
Wayne Manor sold marian ravenwood, and indy thugs sold! |
cool stuff there that batmobile looks very tempting tho can it be used for Joe scale figures ?
btw whats the ETA on those Indy figures you sent me? Quote:
You should have them anytime now, as you can see I still have some, so if you want more take a look.
the super powers batmobile is made for slightly larger figures, as the super powers collection was larger than Joes, but it's cool, it has flip up headlights, a batle ram, and a capture claw on the back of it. |
cool beans. pity they batmobile takes larger figures. btw whats the helicopter think across from it in the first pic of it ?
cheers Quote:
That's the Batcopter.
cool its pretty dark in color would i be right in asuming its from the original movie line ?
look up super powers batcopter and dark knight collection batcopter (both use the same mold). The one in the pic is the Dark Knight collection one, (I sold the super Powers one right before I posted the ad. it was blue, this one is black.
These items are for sell and trade now.
Hi a friend bought some more Defense of Cobra Island 7-Pack and an Attack on Cobra Island form Ross. He is Hisstank member Aileybay. He wanted the packs mainly for the Alley Vipers. Below is the list of item he wants to sell. Shipping isn't included in the prices given. All figs are complete and will be sold loose. PM me if interested. Defense of Cobra Island 7-Pack 1x Dr. Mindbender $8.00 (on hold) 1x Strato Viper $8.00 (on hold) Attack of Cobra Island 7-Pack -None at this time- Aileybay Want list 25th Bazooka (complete) Resolute Cp Stormshadow (complete) Resolute Blue Troopers (complete) Marvel Universe Kitty Pride 1:18th scale Marvel Universe Marry Jane Watson 1:18th scale Roc Dusty From Desert Rockslide A.T.A.V. Resolute Red Troopers (complete) 3 3/4th Indy figure Colonel Vogel I can only to ship to folks in the U.S.A and Canada. I only accept money orders. I'm asking that folks that want to buy them please get Post Office money orders so I can cash them at the post office, then ship you item, and then give my bud his cash. |
I have an extra 25h bazooka loose complete, I'll take Mindbender!
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