Updated my wants list on page 42 and posted link to current ebay auctions.
Hey Guys,
I was looking for 3 or 4 ROC Elite viper heads for customs. If the body is included...great! :D I have plenty to trade in o-ring and ROC and 25th style figs. Thanks! Obtained!!! |
Organized my Trade/For Sale list.
25th Figures
ALL ARE PENDING SALE - I ran into 2 Ninja Vipers and 2 regular Cobra Troopers yesterday if anyone is interested ($8 each or trade). Plus the other PoC stuff I've still got for sale.
Ok, heres an odd one. If ya have any loose pieces from the 80/90s playsets laying around, I want them. Not much to trade, but willing to send the american dream, cash. Things Im refering to are Bivouc set, rifle range, surveillance port, LAW, Outpost defender, i dont remember the name but one came with a tent, checkpoint, tower, pretty much anything. Also, any parts for the 83 headquarters will be considered.
My Trade Thread has TONS of pictures so to make it easier, here's a link:
http://chapmeitoys.proboards.com/in...play&thread=614 My Trade Haves are at the top. Scroll down to see my Trade Wants. Thanks! |
I prefer to trade, but I'll buy/sell if the price is right. I can do PayPal.
HAVES: G.I.*JOE Classics Volume 1 and 2, issues 1-10 and 11-20 of the Marvel run. These guys I will part out. Sepentor's head is PENDING More haves in the post below ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANTS: 25th and RoC figure stands: RoC Aqua-Viper 25th Double Clutch 25th Grand Slam RoC Pit Commando x2 25th Steeler RoC Tunnel Rat or 25th RoC Roll Bar, Snarler Cycle 25th Xamot 25th Destro 25th Zartan RoC Rampage, RHINO Driver File Cards: Pit Commando x2 25th Steeler 25th Flash 25th Grand Slam RoC Tunnel Rat RoC Roll Bar 25th Tomax and Xamot 25th Short Fuze 25th Breaker 25th Flint Resolute Zartan 25th Blowtorch 25th Quick Kick 25th comic pack Beach Head Complete Resolute Stalker 2x Helix heads 1x 25th or DVD pack or five pack Lady Jaye head 1x set of 25th Zartan arms with the shoulder armor 1x set of 25th Tomax and Xamot guns or similar 1x cool looking bow and arrow like Storm Shadow's from the comic pack or PoC Spirit's 1x hose from 25th Blowtorch that goes from the fuel tank to flamethrower A couple of 25th/RoC Pistol holsters and knife sheaths (and knives) that mount on thighs using leg screw (Duke, Flint, Green Shirts, most of the O13 25th figures, etc. There's a Shipwreck with a white shirt and black trousers that has a great holster I'd take too. Wild Bill's matching holsters would be awesome) A pair of the Hellfire missile racks from the Avatar Gunship (the outer most missiles on the big wings) 25th Firebat cockpit interior or complete Firebat |
More of my haves:
Tomahawk parts and Snow Cat tracks: These guys are being sold complete, I can remove the MOC figs from their packages if you'd like. I have the file cards for the Twins and Snow Job. |
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