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tycondrius23 07-21-2010 08:54 AM

can ya look for one for me too? I coulda sworn a tanker or JD'er was gona send me one as part of a deal but I guess not

Originally Posted by pbarny1701
I've been finding Kamakuras for people at CVS/Walgrees/etc stores for people. It is inflated prices, but not ebay inflated. I'll go looking.

vespapilot79 07-21-2010 02:18 PM

I could use a Kamakura as well :)

samsallspark 07-21-2010 07:09 PM

Does anyone have these?
Guys I'm still looking for a couple of things that just are not in my area.

Maybe you can help, maybe you can't....Just take a moment and please look.


Rip attack vehicles

25th snow job (will happily take a loose complete one)

ROC Night Raven

Target exclusives (ANY)

Defense and attack cobra multi packs

ANY and ALL RESOLUTE figures

POC Spirit & Quick Kick

Mail away DOC

SDCC Destro 2 pack

Haves (I still have a ton of figures and vehicles from the Kenner Super Powers Collection) I also have a near complete Mattel Secret Wars Collection All of my haves pics start on page 35).

I still have plenty of Indy Jones figures and vehicles.

And almost the Entire DCIH collection.

I wish to thank everyone for looking.

rnrhero 07-21-2010 10:48 PM

I am also looking for multiple Mainframe V.1 - 3 and 6. I am using them for customs. Tight joints needed, dont need the heads at all.

Red Cross 07-27-2010 12:51 AM

HI !
Well, I always search GI Joe (ONLY ARAH :D !)stuff to upgrade my Joes, Cobra and Destro's army :)
Now I think to get a Terror Drome, but I need a lot of other veichles, action figures and various stuff.

Here are the characters that I am searching (and Cobra troopers for army building), I don't care about accessories or weapons:

I have tons of spare parts of disassembled GIJOE ARAH action figures, I' ll post pictures about them ASAP.

cyko 07-30-2010 02:08 PM

Pursuit of Cobra stuff
Picked up some extra PoC items:
  • Ghost Hawk w/Tomahawk (redesigned Sky Hawk)
  • Dreadnok Doom Cycle w/Stormrider HOLD
  • Storm Shadow (desert)
  • Snake Eyes (desert)
  • Cobra Commander (PoC, red chrome)
  • Snake Eyes Paris Pursuit
  • 25th Crimson Guard 5-pack $25 PENDING

I'm asking $8 for figures and $23 for vehicles, plus shipping. If you're really looking for something, PM me and we can talk about doing a trade.

samsallspark 07-30-2010 04:01 PM

Well gents, the guy who was going to buy all of my super powers collection backed out.

So if anyone is interested the pics are on pages 35-39.

I could use the first wave of POC figures (Including exclusives). These are priority.

Lanard Corps and Fearless forces as well.

rnrhero 07-31-2010 09:41 AM

I am also looking for a SDCC Ultimate Captain America from this years CON.

Also, Multiple V.1 Hiss Drivers for some customs. No need for cobra logo but tight arms a must.

Otto the Otter 07-31-2010 09:03 PM

I prefer to trade, but I will buy or sell if the price is right. I really only collect Joes, but there are few SW figs for which I'm looking for custom fodder. If you'd like to trade, shoot me your have list, you may have something I didn't know I wanted. I will do PayPal.
Some of these are PENDING, but they're not gone.


G.I.*JOE Classics Volume 1 and 2, issues 1-10 and 11-20 of the Marvel run.

MOC RoC Agent Helix

MOC RoC Paris Persuit Storm Shadow

MOC RoC Desert Ambush Neo-Viper Commando

Loose PoC HISS tank driver, revolver, back pack, ceremonial staff, file card

Loose Duke v25, helmet, rifle, pistol, bandolier, fig stand, file card

Loose Flint v11, v14's head, shotgun, pistol, webgear, figure stand

Loose 25th Snow Job, hood, goggles, pistol, rifle, skis, pole, backpack, fig stand, file card

Loose Stalker from DVD pack, rifle, web gear, file card, fig stand, no jet pack

Loose Lady Jaye v5 Comic pack version, with gun and helmet

Loose Tomax & Xamot v1, guns, zip line trolly, string, file card


Complete Resolute Stalker

Complete PoC Recondo

Complete PoC Dusty

Scarlett v11

Stalker v6, v13, or v15

Grunt v4, v5, or v10

Hawk v2, v8, v9, v10, or v12

Clear or smoke tinted HISS canopy. NOT red.

troopsofdoom 08-01-2010 12:58 PM

*Indicates incomplete accessories or damaged. Contact me for details.
Everything is version one ( unless otherwise noted.
Canada and US traders only due to postage rates.

View photos here (I will post photos of everything eventually):



Beach Head (V12 2009 25A Hall of Heroes MOC)
Duke (V23 2007 25A)
Destro (V16 2008 25A, Iron Grenadier)
Fast Draw*
Flint* (V14 2009 25A 5-pack)
General Blitz*
Gung-Ho (V18 2007 25A 5-pack)
HISS Driver*
Iron Grenadier (V6 2008 25A)
IRON Stormtrooper*
Lady Jaye
Mutt* (V7 2008 25A)
Neo-Viper (V9 2009 ROC Heetseek, new still in package)
Shipwreck (V13 2009 25A 5-pack, new still in package)
Snake Eyes & Timber (V40 2009 25A 5-pack, new still in package)
Snow Job*
Snow Job (V3 2008 25A)



Accessory Packs 1 2 3: various items
Alley-Viper (V6 2002): backpack
Alpine: backpack*
Bazooka: backpack
Big Brawler: flashlight
Bombstrike: rifle
Buzzer: backpack
Cobra Commander (V24 2007 25A): stand
Destro (V17 2008 25A): chrome head
Destro (V22 2009 25A): figure no head, gun, leg straps
Dr. Mindbender (V6 2009 25A): figure no head, web-gear, cape, stand
General Blitz: missile launcher, missile
General Blitz (Cyborg): flag
IRON Stormtrooper: hose
Outback: backpack, web gear
Pocket Patrol Pack
Recondo: gun*
Rex "The Doctor" Lewis: claws, pistol, rifle, wig, mask, stand
Sgt Savage (Battle Command): missile launcher, wire
Sgt Savage (Commando): rifle, pistol, big knife
Sgt Savage (Cyro-freeze): machine gun
Sgt Savage (D-Day): tommy gun, pistol
Sgt Savage (Jungle Camo): tommy gun, pistol
Shipwrek: parrot*
Snow Job: 1 ski
Snow Serpent: parachute*, snow shoe*
Spirit: belt*
Viper (V19 2008 25A): figure no head, vest, backpack*, stand

GI Joe Logo (Plays musical intro to cartoon theme. From 25A 5-pack.)
Pocket Patrol Pack

Marauder Gun-Runners: SCAR-H
Marauder Gun-Runners: bipod






AWE Striker: steering wheel
Bivouac: shovel*
CLAW: wheel
Killer WHALE: round propeller guard*
RAM: seat, gun, body*
Silver Mirage: body, stand, handle bars, engine, windshield, seats, tires, rims, headlight, gun, big missile, small missile, rear wheel plug, forks, fender*
Triple T: gun
VAMP: gas can, rack, front bar, body*



Black Ice: Trading card
Cobra Commander (V24 2007 25A): filecard
Destro (V22 2009 25A): filecard
Destro (V23 2009 ROC): Spanish & French filecard
Dr. Mindbender (V6 2009 25A): filecard
Flight Pod/Trouble Bubble (2008 25A): blueprints, filecard
Flight Pod/Trouble Bubble (2008 25A Ultimate Battle Pack): filecard
Heetseek: blueprints, diorama background
Helix: Spanish & French filecard
Lady Jaye (V8 2009): Spanish & French filecard
RAM (2008 25A): filecard
Rockslide/Polar Battle Bear: blueprints
Shiver: Trading card X4
SLAM: blueprints
Viper (V19 2008 25A): filecard

Arashikage tattoo
GI Joe ROC eagle logo sticker



Akira: Kaneda
Akira: Kaneda's bike
Akira: Tetsuo
Ghost in the Shell: Motoko Kusanagi
Iron Giant
Matrix: Agent Smith*
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Eva 4*
Sailor Moon
Sin City: Marv
Spawn: Spawn*
Spawn: Mandarin Scarlet Edge*
Star Wars: Darth Maul mini hologram



Batman: Arkham Asylum (hardcover)
Batman: The Long Holloween (TPB)
GI Joe: #32 1/2 (from Scarface/Fred comic pack)
Hellboy: Seed of Destruction (issues #1-4 TPB)
Hitman: TPB (issues #1-4, Demon Annual #2, Batman Chronicles #4)
The 'Nam: TPB #1 (issues #1-10)
Simpsons Comics: Extravaganza (issues #1-4 TPB)

The Book of Nod (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Robotech II: The Sentinels (role-playing)
Star Trek TNG: I, Q (hardcover)
Star Wars: A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars: Truce at Bakura
Star Wars: Courtship of Princess Leia
Star Wars: Jedi Academy Trilogy (complete 3 books)
Star Wars: I, Jedi
Star Wars: Children of the Jedi
Star Wars: Darksaber
Star Wars: Planet of Twilight
Star Wars: Crystal Star
Star Wars: Black Fleet Crisis (complete 3 books)
Star Wars: New Rebellion
Star Wars: Corellian Trilogy (complete 3 books)
Star Wars: Hand of Thrawn (complete 2 books)



Alley-Viper (Resolute)
Baroness (V12 2009 25A 5-pack)
Cobra Officer (V2 1998 grey & black Viper, Cobra Infantry Team 3-pack)
Cobra Trooper (swivel-arm)
Cobra Trooper (V16 2009 red Resolute)
Cobra Trooper bootlegs (green camo, red, white, blue, Canadian, Nightwatch)
Courtney Krieger/Cover Girl (V2 2006)
GI Jane
Major Bludd (V9 25A Extreme Conditions: Desert)
Night Stalker officer/Rebecca Bristow (Thanks for the Memories)
Roadblock (Resolute)
Scarlett (Resolute)
Side Track
Steel Brigade Commander
Steel Brigade Paratrooper
Zartan (Resolute)



Airborne: right arm
Alpine: hook-gun, 2 hooks
Daina: left arm
Doc: gun, stretcher
Eel: mask
Fast Draw: blue hose
Falcon: backpack with antenna (or just the antenna)
Firefly: green phone
Firefly (V14 25A): black phone
Firefly (V15 25A): red goggles (doesn't have to be from Firefly)
Footloose: gun
GI Joe Hawk (V3 25A): hip holster, gun
Gung-Ho: waist
Ice-Viper: knife
Mutt: club
Monkeywrench: head, waist
Night Stalker: 2 gernades, gun
Night-Viper: arms
Night Watch Squad Leader: sub-machinegun
Outback: waist, gun
Recoil: right arm
Recondo: waist
Rock & Roll (V2): right arm
Short-Fuse: right straight-arm
Tunnel Rat: TNT bag



Outpost Defender (ROC, figures not important)
Rattler (25A)

Avatar: Scorpion Chopper



Killer WHALE: 2 vertical fins
Snow Cat: missile rack
Watchtower: flag
WOLF: canopies
Wolverine: tow cable



Aliens (movie): alien
Throne for Cobra Commander
Corpses, zombies

Luke Skywalker Stromtrooper (2008-09 Legacy Collection)

Han Solo Stormtrooper (2008-09 Legacy Collection)

FX-7 Medical Droid (2001 Power of the Jedi)

Kashyyyk Trooper (2007 30th Anniversary)

Clone Trooper (2008 Legacy Collection)

Star Wars: Sandtroopers (2007 Saga Legends)

Star Wars: Coruscant Landing Platform Clone Trooper (2008-09 Legacy Collection)

Clone Trooper (2008 Clone Wars)

Power Droid / Gonk /EG-4 (1999 Power of the Force)

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