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troopsofdoom 05-19-2008 01:21 PM

I'm looking for a reliable store to order GI Joes (and possibly Star Wars) from within Canada. Can anybody help?

BADBLUDD 05-20-2008 01:48 PM

Haves for Trade
I have:

Cobra Commander in Battle Suit with Fred inside from Comic pack
Cobra Commander in blue suit from Comic Pack
Tiger Force Flint
Tiger Force Tunnel Rat
Tiger Force Short Fuze
Wet Suit original
Stalker in green jacket
Mirage from Winter Force
BackBlast from Winter Force
Scrap Iron


Undertow (any version)
Iron Grenadier v2

Da Talent 05-20-2008 03:49 PM

Hey I'm looking for good deal for one of the new awe strikers from target. Doesn't have to be still in the box. Can anyone help?

Sonneilon 05-23-2008 11:16 AM

I'm still trying to get rid of the 25A MOC stuff. Anybody who wants to help out, it'd be greatly appreciated!

$7 each
Stalker (pending)
Beach Head
Shipwreck x2
Gung Ho

Cobra Commander - hooded
Cobra Commander - battlemask
Cobra Soldier x2 - Silver Chest

$10 Comic Packs
Fred/Scarface x4

vader9900 06-01-2008 05:57 PM

1 day only - 20% off all Figures & Vehicles!!!!
I am running a 1 day sale of 20% off all figures & vehicles in my store. I have hundreds of weapons, backpacks, accessories & body parts to complete your figures. If there is something you need I don't have listed let me know, I may have it or can get it. Buy 10 or more loose figs & also get FREE SHIPPING. Check it out, thanks, Dave

Rambo 06-01-2008 06:02 PM

free international shipping?

vader9900 06-01-2008 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by Rambo
free international shipping?

Sure, you buy 10 or more & I will ship it free to you.

`psycho 06-02-2008 09:01 AM

Ok i need BBi or PTE f18 or f16 i'll take either one? PM send price i have paypal account.

Sonneilon 06-03-2008 06:57 PM

Look for g.i.joe army store on ebay. You'll find VvV Vipers and maybe a few others on there.

justinm 06-03-2008 07:31 PM

need a x30 left rudder
80's joes and cobras(any!)
80's joe figure parts(almost any!)

for sale
cust0m battle damage hiss tank, make a offer! :eek: Help a kid out!

justinm 06-05-2008 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by ender098
The Old thread was getting clooged up, SOOOoo.....
It's Time for V 1.2

Again, to keep the begging to a minimum....(Or to keep from getting banned FOR begging) this here thread is to post what you're lookin for and if you have some goodies to trade or give away!

Ok, here's the deal. Rather than pleading throughout the threads about what we want/need for our collections, let's start one thread to post what we want/need and hopefully someone can help you out.


No Begging! Just a simple "I'm looking for a ______ version ____" Or something similar.

Also, so as not to clutter up this version, just post once and edit it, instead of reposting 100 different time about what you want! Remember to remove items you've recieved from someone and add the new items you're looking for in your post! Conduct all business in PM's, not on the boards. The board should only have what you're currently looking for. We HAVE threads for What you got and good/bad trader alerts, so lets keep this thread post per user.....

You enter into a deal with someone on here, it's at your own risk! Don't go flaming " ENDER098 shafted me!" . My Advice, start small and work up trust with the person. (I have given dozens of people free stuff I had extra from buying lots on ebay, and I don't like to trade or sell because I have been ripped off so many times.) I do encourage "kudos" if someone helped you out. Most of you know me and I'm a straight shooter, and I DO have a reputation to uphold!

I see this as an opportunity to help out each other and the collecting community as a whole (God Knows Hasbro aint lookin out for us) but if it degenerates to flaming or accusations, I'll have the Mods delete this thread and all the good that it creates along with it!

I'll start out;

I need the following (Realize some of these are IMPOSSIBLE to get, but here goes anyway!) ;

Updraft helmet
Locust 2001 Collectors edition Dragonfly repaint
Desert Apache
An Exhaust for the NightRaven Drone (The orange cone that goes in the tail!)

Any of the Eversparkle sets like in this pic;

I have a two boxes of extra vehicle parts and accessories, if you're looking form something, let me know, the worst I will do is tell you I don't have it! I have NO ACTION FIGURE PARTS LEFT!!!

ok...your turn.....

I got the locust. ;) send me an offer!

Agent Viper 06-06-2008 05:54 AM

Here is what I need on my shelves



NF Beach Head

Crosshair ( jungle version)


Viper 6 pack

Original Night ops Blueshirts

Comic pack Stormshadow

I have alot to the trade let me know what you want.

I can send first.

justinm 06-22-2008 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by fireflyed
I just need a blank "rescue doc" order form. I filled mine out with my old address so I need a new one. Can someone drop that in the mail for me?
check and they should have the upgraded version

jjsvipers 06-25-2008 09:04 AM

a few wants
vintage items

tomahawk unbroken left rear engine cover, 4 little missiles
stinger jeep rear handle bar
maj storm general drivers gun
longrange thuderclap driver gun and thunderclap antenna
shockwave v1 2 pistols
tracker u.s version all accessories or complete figure
v1 nullifier
2 gyrovipers
2 stratovipers
checkpoint alpha gun
armadillo rollbar

Agent Viper 06-25-2008 12:39 PM

This is a tidbit need.

I am looking for the marauders 50. Cal Sniper rifle with bipod.

if anyone has an extra. I am in need!

Da Talent 06-29-2008 05:32 PM

Looking for a version 1 psyche out, condition does not matter
and the collector club copperhead figure.

Hit me up and we can work something, got tons of stuff I can trade.

justinm 07-04-2008 10:38 AM

25th cobra viper(1)
25th snow serpent(as many as possible,something like this amount:100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 :eek: )
25th bATS(as many as possible,I want some thing like this many:250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000 :eek: )
1987 starduster
gristle(i forgot what year he was made
any joe/cobra body parts

Haves: (make an offer)
custom battle damaged hiss tank
custom dreadnok thinder machine
custom mobat
tons of figures(just ask me what you want)

vader9900 07-07-2008 04:04 PM

Need a 1983 Duke crotch :eek: , mine got broke in a photo shoot! Will buy or trade.

justinm 07-07-2008 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by vader9900
Need a 1983 Duke crotch :eek: , mine got broke in a photo shoot! Will buy or trade.

couldn't find it,sorry,must have used in a custom :rolleyes:

ender098 07-10-2008 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by nando
hi need some help to find : AGENT FACES ( crimson guard ) please any one :)

PM Sent

tunnelrat88 07-11-2008 11:21 PM

Anyone have a DTC Cover Girl for sale or trade? I've been looking for one since I missed the boat on the Comic Pack.

vader9900 07-13-2008 03:47 PM

I am selling my display cases if anyone is interested. Check them out HERE

giTom 07-15-2008 06:05 PM

I've got a bunch of troops that need a new home!
I'd prefer to get rid of all of these guys at once, but if you want specific figures, we can work something out.
If interested, email me for more information.

These guys are customs.

nando 07-15-2008 07:50 PM

for trade : general flagg ( comic pack) , steeler ( comic pack ) , sigma six DUKE

wants :
Oktober guard members : diana , horror show , gorky , misha , volga
big brawler ( ARAH style )
Torpedo v2
Tomax and xamot ( v5 )
Trip wire v4
sure fire ( swat )
Low light ( swat)
shipwreck v4 ( navy seal 2002)
navy seal team
female DOC
SNOW SERPENT DTC ( need more than 5 )

Agent Viper 07-17-2008 04:14 PM

Quick Needs

X4 BBI Goggles

X1 BBI Night Vision Goggles

25th Comic Pack Firefly with weapons (do not need storm shadow and comic)

ToneGunsRevisited 07-17-2008 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Agent Viper
X4 PTE Goggles
X1 PTE Night Vision Goggles

You mean BBI Elite Force.

Agent Viper 07-20-2008 01:46 PM

I am in need,
I need Crosshair with Vest and Boonie Hat.
Just the figure with the vest and hat!

giTom 07-24-2008 08:41 AM

I have a complete loose 25th Torpedo that I would like to trade for a complete loose 25th Flash. Anybody? :D

Sonneilon 08-07-2008 06:57 PM

This deal has been completed. Thank you big Van Vader9900.

ThinkTank 08-25-2008 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by fireflyed
guys I really need a couple of things. I will trade or pay top dollar for them.

I need 2 chain guns like this, I remeber these from a VvV roadblock

I also need ammo belts/chains. The one I want most are those that came with the 25ths roadblocks, but I will take, pay, trade for any. please lte me know.

thank you so much guys.

I have one of those chain guns, I got it from the "Hunt for General Grievous" battle mite have some luck on Star Wars forums.

lehsreh 08-29-2008 07:49 AM

really need
battle force 2000 vehicles, if you have these let me know what you want for them.
blaster face mask
motor cover for triple t tank
night viper arms
any parachute backpacks

25th armor cobra commander
25th crank case
25th grand slam
25th rock & roll
other wants

2 target backpacks
metal head accessories
annihilator backpacks

i have to trade
25th DVD roadblock
25th DVD stalker
25th DVD snake eyes
25th DVD trooper
25th comic shipwreck
25th comic pack(firefly) storm shadow
25th vehicle driver serpentor
VvV duke
comic pack serpentor(custom red and gold paint)
V1 spearhead (needs TLC)
VvV snake eyes
VvV storm shadow

ender098 09-02-2008 09:14 AM

Can anyone help a brother out? I'm trying to score a 25th anniversary BAT and a Wraith Action figure. I can reimburse you for the figures, shipping and your time. If you can pick them up for me, I'll give you my home address to send them to and send you your money in money order or through paypal.

Trench-Viper 09-05-2008 12:07 PM

I have one such machinegun and I hate it its so big. Tell me where to send it to you and I will.

rds13601 09-08-2008 07:50 AM

Crap I want to trade
Have extra Stinger no doors, 25th Tomax, Xamot, Lady Jaye, Firefly. October Guard old and new.Put fadstdraw helmet on dragonsky and painted it black. Willing to trade for 25th General Hawk 25th v2 Barbecue, Bazooka, Bat and DVD Lady J Also will throw in 85 Alpine, 85,Bazooka, 3 1986 Vipers, 1 25th Crimson Guard email me privately.

The Faceless Master 09-08-2008 10:47 AM

i got a BUNCH of items for sale:

including a bunch of my customs as well! :D

PM me for any questions
prices are open for reasonable negotiations

General Jones 09-15-2008 09:57 AM

Hey everybody.
I am in need of a right arm for the 1989 alley viper. Just the left arm. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks GJ

The Faceless Master 09-22-2008 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by The Faceless Master
i got a BUNCH of items for sale:

including a bunch of my customs as well! :D

PM me for any questions
prices are open for reasonable negotiations

After a couple of successful transactions I am now accepting

International buyers of are ALWAYS welcome

rds13601 09-24-2008 09:43 AM

Sent most my arah figs out. Do have original Hiss, Crimson Strike Hiss with asp. original Asp,Stinger with doors, stinger without doors,Dragonfly, Polar Battle bear, Have Ram, Slam, Skystriker with canopy, does latch doesn't lock, BBI apache, 21st Cobra, 1Gi Joe Night Humveee, 2 BBI Desert Humvee, 1 Ghost striker, Mauler, 1 MOBAT,1 Armadillo, 1 PTE Dune BUGGY, 1BBi BIKE , 1 PTE BLACKHAWK, 1custom BBI HIND with 4 Rotors I put on. 1 Little BIRD. WILL TRADE for 25th GI JOE figs. I forgot I had1 tan 21st Bradley,2 tan M1 abrams tanks and 1 Pte green tank.. hasbro is making 2nd dvd collection with Dusty and Quick Kick. Go to

Sonneilon 09-25-2008 05:38 PM

Anybody still play the old GI Joe collectible card game?

FULL 1st Set

FULL 2nd Set

I don't remember which are supposed to be holos and which aren't, but there are holos in there. Hit me up for trade (25A) or just good old cash.

Magic Kanegawa cards. I have cards from the game. I'm willing to trade or sell the whole bunch of cards tho I don't know what's valuable and what's not. I'd like to sell them for a base amount no matter if there's good or bad in there.

Marvel X-Men cards. I have a full set of the 1st series which was drawn by Jim Lee. These were released back in 1992 or so. Includes all the current teams of that time; X-Factor, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Calibur and X-Force.

Marvel X-Men 2 cards. These were drawn by the artists of the time. Andy Kubert, Brandon Peterson, Joe Queseda, Greg Cupola (sp, think he did X-Force) and a few other random artists. Full set, as far as I know.

Wildstorm universe cards. These were released circa 1995 and done by various artists. Not quite a full set. These are oversized cards as well.

WildCATs cards. These were drawn by a group of Wildstorm artists (Jae Lee, Jim Lee, Brett Booth, Marc Silvestri, etc) circa 1993. Full set.

If you buy the 'sets', I'll throw in a few of the other random cards that I ended up with too.

vespapilot79 10-02-2008 11:15 AM

I have some Battletech cards. Never got into the game when it came out many years ago.

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