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Black Knight 01-22-2011 12:09 AM

My first isn't that good.

My most recent is much better.

seyms 01-22-2011 02:21 AM

This was my first post on JoeDios. Just a standard pic of my scratch-built transport vehicle:

I got into newbie trouble then as I had posted over the three photo limit.

My latest was a dio story shot styled like a comic book cover, or at least my attempt at it:

I've learned a lot from you folks about using macro settings and focussing.
I still need to jump in with both feet and really experiment with lighting and angles.

dancontrino 01-22-2011 09:02 AM

Hold your noses...that stank! My god and thank god there were so many people around with better pictures to study :D

Here's the latest. I'm happy with everything but the lighting. I listened to everyone's advice on every bad shot I ever took and went from there. Not to beat the flickr horse to death, but posting there in greater numbers really helped me edit myself as well.

dancontrino 01-22-2011 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by Tracker
The First:

at the time these where the only figures i had in my figure collection as i just start collecting. I had just got Stalker when I took this photo.

The Last:

With the snow recently I figured I do something with one my top 5 favorite the corps characters

Tracker-You always did great shots of teams and made use of those great, papaer stock props!

Nekoman-You were great from the start with prop use and focus and posing.

Crimson Pilot 01-22-2011 09:48 AM

First 7-11-10

Latest 1-16-11

my first is just a printer paper box but it was a start. I made 2 other box sets but later got into to making set-ups and outdoors. Most of the earlier ones are camera phone pics too.

Flatline 01-22-2011 11:32 AM

#1 And The Bestest Thread Ever

This was a shot even way before I knew what Joedios was No real technique just playing with my son. Then when I got a computer I found this and lurked till I got a digital camera and let me tell you I've learned alot from the folks here at the site(to many to name) some long gone some still posting great stuff....


It's safe to say that I took what I've learned about angle, drama , lighting, posing etc. from those here and put it to good use. Most of all I understood without a good set your shot doesn't have much of chance of getting looked at. But even that could be saved with a good discription.
================================================== ================================================== ================

BTW Xander this is an amazing idea for a thread HOOZA PRINCE ADAM!!!!!!!!!

SIC DETH 01-22-2011 12:07 PM

Epic Thread!!! Love how everyone has grown!!!

Flatline 01-22-2011 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by dancontrino

Hold your noses...that stank! My god and thank god there were so many people around with better pictures to study :D

Here's the latest. I'm happy with everything but the lighting. I listened to everyone's advice on every bad shot I ever took and went from there. Not to beat the flickr horse to death, but posting there in greater numbers really helped me edit myself as well.

OH yes We remember Dan The FLASH Contrino well you've gotten much better un like my grammer. :p

dancontrino 01-22-2011 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by Flatline
OH yes We remember Dan The FLASH Contrino well you've gotten much better un like my grammer. :p

LMAO! Marcos, when you think of me...hear this...

p.s. yer grammer is grate!

Flatline 01-22-2011 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by dancontrino
LMAO! Marcos, when you think of me...hear this...

p.s. yer grammer is grate!

OMG that was TPAMMT + ALITNSML X #1 and the best :D :D :D

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