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General Jones 10-19-2010 06:15 PM

Hey Guys,
Sorry I've been away for so long, I haven't been real active on this site, but I have been popping in every once in a while to see th ARAH pictures. I must say they have been great.

Anyways, I was hoping someone had a torso of Big Lob that they wouldn't mind trading. I have a lot of 80's vipers that are complete that I can trade. Please PM me and let me know. Thanks.

jjsvipers 10-22-2010 11:27 AM

any one have a poc alley viper
let me know how much shipped to tn.


sgcaper 10-25-2010 06:08 PM

Updated my list on page 42, post #414. Added some MOC SW stuff. RAH stuff still to come. Including V1 Alley Vipers

sgcaper 10-27-2010 02:39 PM

I got a PM saying someone couldn't find my post so I'm moving it here. I erased the other post so as to not double post. If this isn't okay please let me know.



Alley Viper v1 COMPLETE (Will only trade for complete POC or 25th Alley Viper)
Alley Viper v1 COMPLETE (Same deal as above ^ )
Alley Viper v1 no gun, shield, or backpack
Alley Viper v5 COMPLETE
Alley Viper v7 no stand, or ghillie suit
Alley Viper v9 COMPLETE

Viper v6 no stand
5 Viper v9 COMPLETE (version w/ painted belt and hip strap)

2 Cobra Troopers (Cobra Infantry Team)
1 90% missing rifle stock backpack with cut back peg

Iron Grenadier no accessories

2 Stinger Drivers COMPLETE (will only sell or trade as a set)

1 Motor Viper w filecard

1 Gyroviper COMPLETE

3 Technovipers COMPLETE w 1 full filecard (will only sell or trade as a set)


TRU Exclusive Rattler MISB
KB Exclusive Operation Crimson Sabotage MISB

25th / ROC / POC:

Mail Away 25th Doc MISB


Star Wars MOC (with collector coins)

Death Star Trooper - A New Hope
M'Iiyoom Onith - A New Hope

CZ-4 - Return of the Jedi
Luke Skywalker - Return of the Jedi

Mace Windu - Revenge of the Sith

Boba Fett - Saga Legends
Chewbacca - Saga Legends
Clone Trooper (Attack of the Clones) - Saga Legends
Clone Trooper (Revenge of the Sith) - Saga Legends
Saesee Tiin - Saga Legends


NYCC DC Exclusive white Green Lantern

IM2 Three Pack Whiplash


AWE Striker with Nightfox (x2)
Desert Assault Duke Arms (1 set)
ROC Destro Upper Legs (x10)

ROC Agent Helix x10

25th / POC Alley Vipers (want many)
25th Lampreys
25th Range Vipers
ROC Elite Vipers


MU Agent of Hydra (x5)
MU Archangel
MU Black Panther
MU Captain Britain
MU Ghostrider (both versions)
MU Havok
MU Hawkeye (or Dark Hawkeye)
MU Jean Grey
MU Kitty Pryde
MU Multiple Man
MU Sunfire
MU Thanos
MU Thor ages of thunder
MU Vision
MU Warpath (x3)
MU Winter Soldier
MU Wrecker

IM Drones - 2 army. 4 marine. 4 airforce. 2 navy
IM Arctic Armor
IM Modern (Tinman) Armor
IM comic Whiplash

Spiderman Rhino
Spiderman Venom


ROC CC legs
ROC Pitt Commando tac vests

25th Cover Girl torso, legs
25th Wild Bill hat, boots

IJ Mutt Williams leather jackets

Trouble Bubble (complete any version x7)

troopsofdoom 10-29-2010 12:22 PM

Does anyone have a Baroness V12 for trade? From the second 25A 5-pack. I need one for an upcoming joke in my comic.

SIC DETH 11-02-2010 03:45 PM

I have 2 PoC Alley Vipers MIC!!! Looking for a 25th Stinger MIP!!!

the commander 11-03-2010 04:49 PM

Hey everybody if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated I'm looking for the M.A.S.S. Device dvd packs 4 and 5. Thanks a lot.

Tracker 11-19-2010 04:22 PM


roguetiger 11-19-2010 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by tycondrius23
anyone seen those bootleg hisse's and vamps about ??

Don't really think they've hit the US. As I haven't heard anyone bragging about getting them.

Flatline 11-20-2010 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by roguetiger
Don't really think they've hit the US. As I haven't heard anyone bragging about getting them.


SIC DETH 11-20-2010 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Flatline

Flatline 11-20-2010 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by SIC DETH

Mucho thanks Sic :D

ender098 11-21-2010 06:12 AM

I'm looking for the 25th Range Viper they sold with the Twin Terror Battle Gun (WhirlWind) that was cancelled! I know it never made the production run, but I have seen them offered on Ebay from time to time! If anyone has one they wanna sell ot trade, contact me! I don't care if it comes with the Whirlwind or not, I just want the figure!

tycondrius23 11-21-2010 11:21 PM

i've seen folks offering that sucker for $300 so be prepared for a pricy figure
Originally Posted by ender098
I'm looking for the 25th Range Viper they sold with the Twin Terror Battle Gun (WhirlWind) that was cancelled! I know it never made the production run, but I have seen them offered on Ebay from time to time! If anyone has one they wanna sell ot trade, contact me! I don't care if it comes with the Whirlwind or not, I just want the figure!

roguetiger 11-21-2010 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by Flatline

Here's a direct link to the chap mei link. even shows the Vamp, Armadillo, Air Chariot, RAM, and flight pod...but the figures are 5 points or articulation. :(

neapolitan joe 11-22-2010 02:15 PM

My wanted list!
This is the list of the last Joes I need:

1) Airborne (Sky Patrol)
2) Airwave (Skypatrol)
3) Altitude (Sky Patrol)
4) Drop Zone (Sky Patrol)
5) Skydive (Sky Patrol)
6) Skystriker (Tiger Force)
7) Dusty (version 5 2002)
8) Ice Cream Soldier
9) Rapid Fire
10) Lifeline (2002)
11) Sidetrack (2002)
12) Wide Scope & Lamont
13) Cannonball
14) Rampage
15) Rumbler
16) Switch gears
17) Thunderwing
18) Dialtone female
19) Night Fox
20) Kickstart
21) Tomahawk
22) Red Star
23) Ice Storm

Can You help me?
I'd like to buy them at good price, looses, but in good shape (no broken crotches).
I do not want weapons, filecards or backpacks, only hats or helmets.
Let me know, thank You.
Neapolitan Joe!

Snake Eyes00 11-23-2010 04:07 PM

I really need the head from this figure
If anyone can help me please let me know

sgcaper 11-24-2010 01:49 PM

Hey guys. I have a LOT of AWESOME RAH stuff for trade here:

And an AWESOME RAH Viper lot on ebay:

See my want list for trade ideas (post 484).

Flatline 11-24-2010 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by sgcaper
Hey guys. I have a LOT of AWESOME RAH stuff for trade here:

And an AWESOME RAH Viper lot on ebay:

See my want list for trade ideas (post 484).

I got the red Lamprey from the ROC Mantis Sub...........what could I get from that sweet list? :D

sgcaper 11-24-2010 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by Flatline
I got the red Lamprey from the ROC Mantis Sub...........what could I get from that sweet list? :D

Make an offer man.

Agent Viper 11-25-2010 12:51 PM

I need the POC Recondo hat. If anyone has it please let me know!

jjsvipers 12-04-2010 11:24 PM

want a new stinger jeep
can anyone that lives near a store that has one at 9.99 hook me up you can keep the driver i just want the jeep.

sgcaper 12-08-2010 07:31 PM

Updated my trade pics to reflect current deals.

raven73 12-09-2010 12:27 PM

Trade Update
Updated my trade list on pg42 #413 e-mail-

raven73 12-09-2010 12:30 PM

SGCaper - Interests
SGCaper, I am interested in these items...

V1 Beachhead
V1 Doc
V1 Covergirl
Techno-Viper Lot
V1 Lifeline
Mail Away Doc

I don't have much to trade right now, but check my list anyway(pg42 #413)

Thanks for your time,

tycondrius23 12-13-2010 04:08 AM

have a sky striker that needs lots of work

hey guys do ye know if the AF sky striker is comatible wit the US on I need to get a lot of parts to complete mine. even need to get repro stickers .I need all the missiles and bomb. the seats(don't want the chute) the gear flaps and the engines and a right side panel cover. may need the fins (i have a set bu the tabs are broken on them) any help would be apreciated

roguetiger 12-13-2010 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by tycondrius23
have a sky striker that needs lots of work

hey guys do ye know if the AF sky striker is comatible wit the US on I need to get a lot of parts to complete mine. even need to get repro stickers . From YoJoe it says it was re released in Europe so guess it'd be the same parts. And when you say bomb are you referring to the Vulcan cannon pod located in the middle of the jet or just one of the larger Phoenix missiles or one of the other missiles? or Just asking so it could help others out. would give you the missiles and tail fins.

ender098 12-14-2010 06:53 AM

Does anyone have any extra Arctic Snake eyes like this...

I'm looking for 4. Just need the bodies....heads and accessories not needed!

Reverend Blood 12-16-2010 04:08 PM

Hey guys, I'm looking for a ROC General hawk (

And also either a version 9, 12, or 13 Baroness

i found a few on evil bay, but i swear people on there turned stupid for holidays.

thanks guys!

Otto the Otter 12-16-2010 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Reverend Blood
Hey guys, I'm looking for a ROC General hawk (

And also either a version 9, 12, or 13 Baroness

i found a few on evil bay, but i swear people on there turned stupid for holidays.

thanks guys!

I might could help you out with v9 Baroness, whatcha got in trade?

Otto the Otter 12-16-2010 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by ender098
Does anyone have any extra Arctic Snake eyes like this...

I'm looking for 4. Just need the bodies....heads and accessories not needed!

Defending our country and still has time to do some custom figures...

Is there anything Marines can't do?

roguetiger 12-17-2010 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by tycondrius23
heya well its all the missiles and center bomb ? or is that an aux fuel tank I could never tell cheers for the link . if I get that I just need that center pod/tank/bomb thing. and the cover panel for the right hand side and the seats.

Its neither. :p Like I said its a Vulcan cannon or so the blueprints say it is. But the cover panel and seats can be found on ebay as well. The center cannon though is a little tricky as I've never removed mine so don't know many that have.

SIC DETH 12-18-2010 10:27 AM

Looking to trade a MOC PoC Alley Vipers for a MOC Resolute Duke or a Loose Resolute Flint.

Otto the Otter 12-18-2010 01:10 PM

I believe I had a hat!

Couple of quick needs....

Helix Head

25th Short Fuze head

25th Buzzer Head

Sandstorm Han Solo Head, legacy ROTJ deleted scene figure

RoC Desert Viper Whole Figure, mostsly complete, not too concerned about weapons, but I'd like the figure, vest, scarf, all that good stuff...

25th Hawk in the brown leather jacket, really just need the upper and lower torso and arms, but the whole figure will work as well too.

25th Bazooka, again, mainly just need the figure

Lemme know what you're looking for, maybe I've got it.

Snake Eyes00 12-18-2010 01:22 PM

I am looking for these two parts for a custom I am working on

ThinkTank 12-18-2010 01:27 PM

Baroness v. 12
I want the Baroness v. 12, the good one from the Cobra 5 pack

I dont have a trade list (hoarder), but I got money and I might part with something else you may want.

Otto the Otter 12-18-2010 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by ThinkTank
I want the Baroness v. 12, the good one from the Cobra 5 pack

I dont have a trade list (hoarder), but I got money and I might part with something else you may want.

Do you want the whole figure? I've got the body, but the head is on a custom. Also if you're looking for the body for a custom, the figure is that same for the Resolute Baroness that came in the seven pack earlir this year.

ThinkTank 12-18-2010 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by Otto the Otter
Do you want the whole figure? I've got the body, but the head is on a custom. Also if you're looking for the body for a custom, the figure is that same for the Resolute Baroness that came in the seven pack earlir this year.

I want the whole figure, especially the head.

Agent Viper 12-19-2010 11:10 AM

Well guys I got something that might spark your attention!

I have two PoC Jungle Vipers In box up for grabs! I'm looking for Resolute figures so PM me with what you have for trade

Tracker 12-23-2010 06:48 PM


Roc Cs Snake-eyes $4.00 + 3.00 shipping (Loose/complete w file card) I'd be will to trade him for a POC Jungle Duke

I can only to ship to folks in the U.S.A and Canada. I only accept money orders preferably Western-Union, Post office money order or ones issued at Walmart.


I do need some extra cash i can make other cardstock dio pieces in the link below

I do have other dio items I can make for folk mainly starting on page two in the link below. I charge $1.50/a page

JoeDios - JoeDios Dioramas, Photos, collections, Reviews & Files - Tracker's Images

I've had a few inquires from folks asking if I be willing to build my B.A.T Repair/Analysis Alcove. So I decided to post this in the for sell thread as well.

I am always happy to build for anyone B.A.T Repair/Analysis Alcove for the cost $5.00 a piece plus shipping.

B.A.T Repair/Analysis Alcove.

I used media fire to host it an C-net and PC magazine both recommended it. If there any problems with that please delete the link

B.A.T Repair/Analysis Alcove.

Here another site thanks to fellow tanker Crims

It can also be downloaded here thanks to fellow tanker Freedom

Vexar Designs - Tracker

Thanks to GIJoeKing65 over at TNI Forums for the B.A.T display graphics.

This is a Cardstock paper model. Here is a photo of it. Sorry for the picture quality, but it it not too bad. Amazing what the out doors plus cleaning the lens can do for key chain camera.

just some more pics

I can only to ship to folks in the U.S.A and Canada. I only accept money orders preferably Western-Union, Post office money order or ones issued at Walmart.


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