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ender098 12-05-2007 03:50 PM

Wants/ Needs and now HAVES thread!!
The Old thread was getting clooged up, SOOOoo.....
It's Time for V 1.2

Again, to keep the begging to a minimum....(Or to keep from getting banned FOR begging) this here thread is to post what you're lookin for and if you have some goodies to trade or give away!

Ok, here's the deal. Rather than pleading throughout the threads about what we want/need for our collections, let's start one thread to post what we want/need and hopefully someone can help you out.


No Begging! Just a simple "I'm looking for a ______ version ____" Or something similar.

Also, so as not to clutter up this version, just post once and edit it, instead of reposting 100 different time about what you want! Remember to remove items you've recieved from someone and add the new items you're looking for in your post! Conduct all business in PM's, not on the boards. The board should only have what you're currently looking for. We HAVE threads for What you got and good/bad trader alerts, so lets keep this thread post per user.....

You enter into a deal with someone on here, it's at your own risk! Don't go flaming " ENDER098 shafted me!" . My Advice, start small and work up trust with the person. (I have given dozens of people free stuff I had extra from buying lots on ebay, and I don't like to trade or sell because I have been ripped off so many times.) I do encourage "kudos" if someone helped you out. Most of you know me and I'm a straight shooter, and I DO have a reputation to uphold!

I see this as an opportunity to help out each other and the collecting community as a whole (God Knows Hasbro aint lookin out for us) but if it degenerates to flaming or accusations, I'll have the Mods delete this thread and all the good that it creates along with it!

I'll start out;

I need the following (Realize some of these are IMPOSSIBLE to get, but here goes anyway!) ;

The 2009 Con 3 pack or JUMP 2 pack!

Defense of Cobra Island BAT

Resolute 5 pack BAT

Any of the Eversparkle sets like in this pic;

A Complete list of my needs/haves can be found here;

I have a two boxes of extra vehicle parts and accessories, if you're looking form something, let me know, the worst I will do is tell you I don't have it! I have NO ACTION FIGURE PARTS LEFT!!!

ok...your turn.....

gogorobo 12-05-2007 09:16 PM

i'm looking for a swivel arm flash and cesspool i have to trade a Mcquarrie concept Vader, iron grenadier Destro and operation flaming moth shipwreck

gung ho 12-07-2007 06:17 PM

ok i need:

APC: turet gun and front hatch
dreadno thunder machine (stiring wheel)

Rachel 12-08-2007 07:52 PM

hey guys and dolls :)

I am looking for any night creeper figs or parts you have. Full figs with broken crotches, thumbs, bad paint, its all welcome! I wanna (well I'm gonna make fireflyed) make a troop of creepers for agent rachel ;). again any condition, any parts, heads, chests, whatever. I'm sure we can work something out ;)

also: need the night creeper (i think its the leader) that has the bright orange pants with black stripes. I want to give it to fireflyed for christmas, I let a friend stay with us and bring her dog when he was out of town. His office is also the spare bed room and her dog severly chewed up that figure. I personally don't like the colors, but he is a huge cinncinati bengals fan, and that figure was one of his favorites (he shouldn't have left it out right ;) ). Please let me know, thanks all :)


Cobra Freak 12-12-2007 07:19 PM

Terror Drome
Crimson Guards(85)
Cobra Officers(82-83)
Range Vipers(90)

Cobra Freak :D

General Jones 12-18-2007 03:20 PM

I guess I'll post mine now. If anyone can help that would be great. Here is what I need:

Copperhead V1 legs
Track Viper V1

I have a lot of stuff for trade, let me know what you are looking for to trade or I can pay. Thanks

tunnelrat88 12-22-2007 02:42 PM

Anyone want to trade for a 25th Comic Pack Scarlett? I got the pack for Hawk and don't really need her. I'd be interested in an army builder if anyone has some extras, so just send me a list of the ones you have.

Prince Adam 12-26-2007 07:40 PM

I'm looking for a LAW (Laser Artillery Weapon). Doesn't have to be mint by any stretch, but i need all the parts. :)

battlewagon 12-29-2007 02:12 PM


the chap mei toys below are bootlegs. the plastic on them is flimsy and bendable. great for customizing though.

battlewagon 12-29-2007 02:14 PM


Chap Mei dinosaurs
small dinosaurs (baby triceratops, pteranodon, diplodocus, dilophosaurus, ankylosaurus, etc)

Bad Guyz
chainsaws, spiked clubs
blue jeep-looking vehicle with a brown rollcage, a silver rear gun that can rotate; holds one bad guyz in the thingypit, has a silver futuristic bumper

Ninja Fighters
Cyber Cycles = yellow atvs or quads, 4 wheels, a black machine gun on one side with a band of bullets (want many of these Cyber Cycles)

repainted blue jeep from bad guyz

Soldier Force
green harley-davidson motorcycle with sidecar (want many)

Wild Quest
red grappling hooks (originally part of a backpack)

Beast Raiders
catapults (these came with plastic rocks; want many)
small purple pteranodons (these are mini versions of the Big Blast pteranodon)
shields, swords, staffs, etc
Hurricane red t-rex
slime, warr (want many)
gallopus (red and black centaur)
snakeman (3 headed purple snake; want many)

Dino Valley
black or brown cages (want many)

Star Wars
30th anniversary R2-D2 with cargo net; keep the little droid; I want as many cargo nets as possible

Star Wars TAC Umpass Stay removable chest-shoulder armor (want many)

Dreadnok Motorized Axe (interested only in the double-sided gray axe)
Hammer seatbelts (need 4)
Spytroops Barrel Roll mask, gauntlets, chest armor
Mutt helmet and mouthcover
Ferret wheels, seat
25th anniversary Buzzer chainsaw (want many chainsaws)
Scorpion jeep front bumper section, machine gun
Desert Striker black boxes & black barrels
Ninja Force Zartan
GI JOE 1992 Headquarters missile launcher fires 6 green missiles (want many of these launchers)

Masters of the Universe
Skeletor staff (the newer version, not the vintage one)

battlewagon 01-05-2008 11:17 AM

MY HAVES (More Stuff)

Surefire not for sale; only for scale purposes. tigers for trade.

Surefire not for sale; only for scale purposes. rhinos for trade.

Sonneilon 01-07-2008 05:31 PM

I'm guessing by the way things are going here, things are pretty hit and miss with finding stuff. A lot of the lists look to be very ARAH heavy, which can be difficult. I just want to let you know what online retailers such as BBTS, and tend to have 2002+ leftovers. So in the case of someone looking for Dart, DNS has the original Spy Troops 2-pack for $7. They have cases of the last 2 waves of VvV as well. (2x Snake Eyes vs Swamp Rat in the case...)

Unfortunately, JoeHQ has been sold off and who knows what's to become of it. But I'm sure they had a lot of what you guys needed.

And what do I need? Oh the usual. A woman. Money... ANd of course...

VvV Vipers (red/purple)
SpyTroops NeoVipers (blue)
DTC Cobra Troopers (uh, blue)

guiltridden 01-08-2008 10:08 PM

Techno vipers (i don't really need the weapons)
Iron Grenaiders convention figures Iron anvil, heavy Grenaider, gen Mayhem
Bat v.1 any of the attachments but mostly the hand
vipers from tru 1998 exclusive pack or the one that came w/ the trouble bubble.
night force shockwave pscyhe out just figures weapons if you have but not important
dtc major bludd

I have fpr trade
A couple Coil Troopers
A pte helicopter
various other figures send me a list


Urban Saboteur 01-11-2008 05:28 PM

Ok, I'm back into GIJOE Big time.. and I want the following figures..

Airborne (1990)
Alpine (V1 1985)
Altitude (1990)
Airwave (1990)
Avalanche (1987)
Agent Faces (2003) Preferably Complete.
Backblast - (1989) *pending*
Barricade - (1992)
Bazooka - (1986 or 1988)
Blaster - (1987)
Beach Head - (V6) 2004
Big Brawler - (2001)
Blizzard - (1988)
Bullhorn - (1990) *Pending*
Bullet Proof (1993) *Pending*
Chuckles (2007)
Claymore (1986)
Clutch (v4) 2007
Crankcase (1986)
Crossfire (2001)
Cross Hair (2003 or 2004)
Cutter - (2001)
Deep Six - (1989)
Dial-Tone - (2000)
Doc (1983) Figure only (need waist and legs for custom)
Downtown - (1989)
Duke - V14
Dusty - (2000) *Pending*
Falcon - (1987) or (2003)
Flint - 2005 Comic Pack #76
Freefall - (1990)
Frostbite (1986)
General Hawk - Comic Pack Hawk #76
Heavy Duty (1990)
Hi-Tech - (2004) *Pending*
Iceberg - (v3 1997)
Law & Order - (1990)
Lifeline - (V4) & (1988 Tiger Force)
Lift Ticket - (1986) with mic
Lightfoot - (1988)
Low-Light - (1986 & 2001)
Mainframe - (1986) V1 or V2
Mirage - V2, 3 or 4.
Pathfinder - (1990)
Recondo - V3
Repeater - (1988) *Pending*
Roadblock - V15 Heavy Assault Squad
Rock N Roll (V7) from Comic Pack #8 *Pending*
Scarlett - Comic Pack #9 or Toyfare Exclusive *Pending*
Sci-Fi - (1990) *Pending*
Scoop - (1989) *Pending*
Salvo - (1990) Preferably Complete
Sgt.Hacker - 2003
Shipwreck - V10 Operation Flaming Moth set
Skidmark - 1988
Snake Eyes - (V20)
Spirit Iron Knife- V1 (2005)
Static Line (1990)
Stalker - Comic Pack Lonzo Wilkinson (2006) *Pending*
Stretcher - (1990)
Torpedo - (1997)
Tripwire - (1983)
Tunnel Rat - NF (2003)
Updraft - (1990)
Wet Suit - (1986 V2 SMB version). & V7 (2002) With Helmet
White Out - (2000) *Pending*
Wide Scope - (2003) *Pending*
Wildcard - (1988)
Wild Bill - V4,v5 v6 or v7 *Pending*
Windmill - (1988)

I also want the following
Sigma 6 Iron Hammer
Have for Trade or Paypal
Figures are Mint Loose and Complete.

Cobra Commander Hooded (1984) W/FC
Destro - Cobra Command Team (1997) W/FC
Hardball - (1988) W/FC
Snake Eyes (1990)
Stalker (1983) W/FC
Wild Bill (1983) W/FC


Big Boa 1987
Charbroil 1988
Voltar 1988
Super Trooper (Mail In) 1988
Night-Viper 1989
Backblast 1989
Range-Vipers 1989
Downtown 1989
Night-Creeper 1990
Gung-Ho 1992
Cobra Commander - Cobra Command Team - 1997
Dusty 2000
Leatherneck 2000

Please can you reply to this thread or send me a PM/email. If you have items for $ale let me know the price you want for items + shipping/postage.
Thank You.

Psi_Link 01-14-2008 11:56 AM

I need the Mobile Command Center Elevator.
I need the Mobile Command Center Elevator the Black piece that connects to the side of the MCC when stacked only. I have the Gray Elevator car part. Please let me know if you have it and we can go from there to discuss price or trade.
Thank you.

Gatilho 01-21-2008 05:06 AM

Hi there!

I'm looking for some filecards:
Mainframe V1, Short Fuse V1, Flash V1 and Barricade V1.
Please pm if you can help me!

kingofpain26 01-25-2008 03:30 AM

Dont have much to trade in the line of figures, but I Have a HUGE box full of vehicle and Playset parts, I do have a few parts some of you need off the top of my head, like the Mobile command Center Elevator, and some Terrordrome parts. so PM me with any wants and I'll open Pandora's box to see whats in there



Steel Brigade
Sgt. Slaughter (triple T)
Sgt. Slaughter (Warthog)
Airborne (version 1)
Airborne (sky patrol)
Static Line (sky Patrol)
Steam- Roller (Mobile Command Center)
Cutter (original)
The Fridge
Long Arm
Countdown (star Brigade)
Space Shot (star Brigade)
Blast Off (Star Brigade)
Duke (Star Brigade)
Skystriker (Tiger force)
Windmill (X-wing)
Effects (Star Brigade)
Agent Faces (regular uniform version)
Double Blast
Armadillo (Rolling Thunder)
Long Range (Thunderclap)

Tomax & Xamot (Version 3, blue suits)


E. Honda
Ken (movie version)
Guile (van Damne Version)

Liu Kang
Raiden (movie version)
Sonya Blade
Scorpion (Movie Version)
Sub Zero
Sub Zero (movie version)
Shang Tsung
Johnny Cage

Alley Viper (Version 1)
Alley Viper (Version 2)
Crimson Guard (Version 1)
Crimson Guard (Version 3)
Crimson Guard Immortal
Crimson Guard Commander
Cobra Ninja Viper
Iron Grenadiers (version 1)
Iron Grenadiers (version 2)
Saw Viper (version 2)
Cobra Troopers
Night Vipers
Strato Viper
Gyro Viper

Altitude (Sky patrol)
Croc Master I (breathing tube)
Barbecue (version 1, Extinguisher)
Star Brigade Roadblock (Helmet

Snow Wolf (3)
Water Moccasin
Hydro Sled (2)
Devilfish (2)
Hiss Tank II (2)
Hiss Tank V (mail order)
Mean Dog
Whale Hovercraft
Battle Wagon

Defiant/ Crusader:
Crawlewr Gantry Guns (rotating round)
shuttleLanding Gear cover (front)
Shuttle Airlock hatch (defiant)
Defiant Booster side guns
Defiant Booster missile launchers

Rear tailwings

Mobile Command Center:
Top missile launcher & Missiles
Cab Missile Launcher & missiles
rear missiles
Side Mounted Gun (left)

Hovercraft lasers
Tread covers

Vamp Mk. 2/ Tiger Sting:

Front grill/ engine cover

Cobra Stinger Jeep:
Missile launcher assembly

Destro’s Despoiler:

Cobra Trouble Bubble:

General Scarlett 02-04-2008 03:31 PM

Here's a list from new member 'DTC Collector':

Originally Posted by DTC Collector
Huuuuge Wants List!! (Feb. 2, 2008):


Hi, I'm new here, but am an active member on yojoe, cobra island, hisstank, and collectors anonymous.. my name everywhere (except here) is cobra-loyalist.'s my “Updated” Huuuuuuge Want List (Feb. 2, 2008). PM me if you want to trade (willing to buy the accessories / vehicle parts I need if you don’t want to trade). I have all types of toys and stuff, too many to list at the moment.. got tons of 90’s legos, gi-joes, hotwheels / matchbox cars, boxes of sports cards 80’s-90’s).. just tons of stuff.. tons of cd’s too (pm me for long list / mainly techno / metal music). I have +65 great feedback on, and some people know me here too.

My Trade List:

Figures Wanted (c-7 or better):
1984 Cobra Commander (complete)
1985 Snow Serpent (complete or near complete)
1986 Lifeline (complete or near complete)
1986 Viper (complete or near complete)
1987 Gung Ho (must be complete w/ stickers)
1988 Astro Viper (complete or near complete)
1988 Nullifier (complete)
1989 Alley Viper (complete or near complete)
1989 Frag Viper (complete or near complete)
1989 Heat Viper (complete or near complete)
1989 Snake Eyes (complete or near complete)
1989 Wild Boar
1990 Ambush (complete)
1990 Viper (red) (complete or near complete)
1992 Firefly (complete or near complete)
1992 Ace (complete or near complete)
1993 Cobra Commander (complete or near complete)
1993 Firefly (complete or near complete)

Vehicles Wanted (must have all decals applied):
1983 Polar Battle Bear
1985 Ferret
1987 Adder
1987 Air Skiff
1987 S.L.A.M.
1987 Sky Sharc (must be mint / complete)
1987 Wolf
1988 Imp
1989 Destro’s Razorback
1989 Radar Rat
1992 Battle Copter

Figure Accessories Wanted:
1983 Snow Job – black laser rifle, 2 white ski’s, 2 black ski poles, white back pack.
1983 Destro - gun.
1984 Baroness – gun.
1985 Crankcase – helmet, gun.
1985 Crimson Guard – 2 red backpacks, 2 black rifles.
1985 Xamot (Twins) – gray skyhook w/ string.
1987 Avalanche – silver rifle, silver mouth piece.
1987 Croc Master – green alligator, tan whip, black mouthpiece.
1987 Crystal ball – hypno-shield.
1987 Fast Draw – 2 white hand controls, green backpack, blue mouthpiece, 2 black hoses(that attch to his backpack).
1987 Ice Viper – 2 silver sai’s.
1987 Techno Viper – backpack (not broken).
1987 W.O.R.M.S. - antennae.
1988 Duke (Tiger Force) – tan helmet, black submachine gun, black binoculars, green backpack.
1988 Iron Grenadier – 3 black submachine guns, 3 red laser pistols, 3 gold swords.
1988 Storm Shadow – black bow, black claw, red sword, red backpack.
1989 Darklon – black rifle.
1989 Stalker – white rifle, silver knife.
1990 Topside – white submachine gun, light gray helmet, light gray backpack, 3 red missles, bipod (that attaches to backpack).
1990 Undertow – gray mask, black harpoon, gray sled, red missle, 2 gray flippers, hose, silver barracuda fish.
1991 Grunt – helmet.
1992 Destro – black rifle, black disc launcher, 2 red discs, black figure stand.
1992 Slice (ninja force) – wide black knife, thick black sword, black figure stand.
1993 Frostbite – all 3 rifles, white machete, white mask, orange missle launcher, 2 white missles.

Vehicle Parts Wanted:
Asp – both shields.
Cobra Rage – 2 missles, and side red missle launcher.
[size=3]Cobra Pogo – 2 missles.SIZE]
DTC R.h.i.n.o. (2006) – black machine gun that goes on the backside of the vehicle.

Figure Stands Wanted:
Black figure stangs x30
White figure stands x2
Grey figure stands x2

Filecards Wanted:
1983 Snow Job
1984 Wild Weasle x2
1984 Baroness
1985 Crimson Guard x2
1985 Frostbite
1986 Lifeline
1987 Ice Viper
1987 Techno Viper
1988 Duke (Tiger Force)
1988 Iron Grenadier x3
1988 Nullifier
1988 Storm Shadow
1989 Darklon
1989 Stalker
1989 Snake Eyes
1990 Undertow
1992 Slice

Filecards Wanted *Uncut:
1983 Destro
1985 Crimson Guard
1986 Lifeline
1987 Techno Viper
1988 Iron Grenadier
1988 Storm Shadow
1989 Snake Eyes
1989 Stalker
1990 Undertow
1992 Slice
1992 Destro

Vehicle Boxes Wanted (near mint-mint condition.. flattened is ok):
FLAK (1982)
Destro’s Razorback
Desert Fox
HISS I (1983)
Rage (1990)
Rattler (1984)
Sky Havok

Recoil84 02-16-2008 10:53 AM

Ryan's want to trade list
Hey Guys,

I have the following items for trade / sale:

2007 Convention Steeler MISB
2007 Convention Doc MISB
2007 Convention Grunt MISB
2007 Convention Flash MISB
2007 Convention Sparks MISB
VvV Wild Weasel red) x2
1992 Headquarters complete
Battle Wagon complete w/working motor
Septic Tank
100 Flag / Battle points (good for Doc mail-in offer!)

Things at the top of my WANT list:
Headman v1
Headhunter Stormtrooper x1 or Asa Negra
Alpinista (Brazilian Hit and Run)
Comic Pack Stormavik
Comic Pack Steeler
Comic Pack Short Fuze
Comic Pack Flagg
Alley Viper v6 (blue) w/shields and backpacks x6

for my complete trade list.

vader9900 03-02-2008 01:33 AM

I need:
Mic for 86 Lift-Ticket
87 Starduster
83 Cobra Troopers & Officers
87 88 Motorized Action Packs / Vehicles - must be working
82 Cobra Missile Command Center - will pay BIG bucks for, depending on condition!
86 Outpost Defender
86 Cobra Surveillance Port
87 Mobile Command Center
87 Steel Brigade (any version) I desperatly need a Gold Version!
Brazil Alpinista (Hit & Run)
Tiger Force - Flint
Night Force - Falcon, Outback, Psyche-Out, Tunnel Rat, Charbroil, Lightfoot, Repeater & Shockwave
I am always looking for complete Cobra Army builders & ANY Foriegn Exclusives

To trade:
Check out my store at vader9900. I am willing to trade anything out of my store or will buy Ca$h! I have HUNDREDS of accessories & figures, many vehicles, check it out! I also have tons of AP weapons not listed, if you need something, let me know.

Da Talent 03-05-2008 08:39 PM

hey guys, I'm looking for some awe striker parts, broken, bent, perfect, whatever.

I need the front brush bar with the lights on it

and whole or part of the roll cage/roof.

Please help me if you can, got a bunch of 25th crap, and don't mind paying either, thanks everyone

Agent Viper 03-07-2008 05:38 PM

Need HALO figures

Black Spartan
Active Camo Spartan
Gray Spartan


At least 1 Sniper Rifle.

and Jackels!!!

Shoot me a PM for my trade list.

rds13601 03-12-2008 10:32 PM

For shoulder holster try Lt. Gorky's from the 2005 3 pack for chuckles

Bayer 03-13-2008 04:19 PM

Well, I find that I need three (3) of the Dr. Mindbender's generators from v.1 of Mindbender. If any one can help me out please let me know.

Thank you to everyone who looked into this and contacted me. Yorktown Joe helped me out.

Stormer 03-16-2008 03:49 PM

The following link is to a list of stuff I have for sale (I'd rather sell at the moment as I'm jobless and broke). There's some MOC Joes in there (mostly new sculpt, some RAH) and Joe comics (all eras), plus a bunch of other stuff (mostly Star Wars). Scroll down to a later post for the comics.

Stormer's Sale Stuff

Drop me a line if anything strikes your fancy, and we can talk shop!

nando 03-20-2008 11:57 PM

i have for trade : sigma six DUKE , godzilla movie HUMVEE .

nando 04-02-2008 06:07 PM

hi people im looking for : steeler , short fuze ( comic pack ) any one please ....

Bayer 04-04-2008 04:25 PM

Another need...This time for HISS v.1 parts
Does anyone out there have an extra canopy and gun turret?
Sorry but I no longer need these parts. The HISS wreck I was getting was bought by someone else. Oh Well!

nando 04-15-2008 07:42 PM

HI PEOPLE need some help : I want to buy some ELITE FORCE 1/18 action figures ( navy ,usmc) where can i find them any one , just let me know thanks alot ;)

ToneGunsRevisited 04-17-2008 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by ender098
Also, so as not to clutter up this version, just post once and edit it, instead of reposting 100 different time about what you want! Remember to remove items you've recieved from someone and add the new items you're looking for in your post

What happened to our agreement? Did people really read this thread? Or am I just not reading it write when we said to keep all your NEEDS/HAVES in 1 post and not starting a new one?

General Scarlett 04-17-2008 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by ToneGunsRevisited
What happened to our agreement? Did people really read this thread? Or am I just not reading it write when we said to keep all your NEEDS/HAVES in 1 post and not starting a new one?

Heh....I was wondering how long it would take for someone to address this issue....... ;)

Prince Adam 04-17-2008 10:54 AM

Yeah I've gotten so I don't even post my needs in here. They'd just get ran over and over by countless and random 'want' posts. I believe this system would work though if used properly.

General Scarlett 04-17-2008 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Prince Adam
Yeah I've gotten so I don't even post my needs in here. They'd just get ran over and over by countless and random 'want' posts. I believe this system would work though if used properly.

Looks like this weekend is shaping up to be a real 'JoeDios Spring Cleaning'........ :D ;)

ToneGunsRevisited 04-17-2008 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by General Scarlett
Heh....I was wondering how long it would take for someone to address this issue....... ;)

I don't want to start a fight. Just calling people attention to the statement on the first post. I think the wants/needs should be used when we are having problems on tracking something on eBay for a fair price. Wouldn't hurt anyone to do a small search at eBay once in a while.

Well this where my two cents. And again no fight intended.

General Scarlett 04-17-2008 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by ToneGunsRevisited
I don't want to start a fight. Just calling people attention to the statement on the first post. I think the wants/needs should be used when we are having problems on tracking something on eBay for a fair price. Wouldn't hurt anyone to do a small search at eBay once in a while.

Well this where my two cents. And again no fight intended.

There was no 'fight''s just funny that you are bringing up a very valid point which was going to be addressed in the very new future anyway.....

General Scarlett 04-27-2008 03:41 PM


vader9900 04-30-2008 09:59 PM

Marcos, I got alot of the accessories you need.

Goldbug 05-02-2008 08:17 PM

OK I have 3 Target vehicles 2 AWE's & 1 HISS
I also have 1 25th Crimson Guard complete.

I need the TRU Senior Ranking Joe set.
I could also use one of those new HISS drivers or cash is fine too.

Prince Adam 05-10-2008 05:37 PM

I have 5 Target Hiss Tank drivers I'd like to unload. I particularly looking for the senior ranking CC, blue one (cromedome). Or let me know what else you've got!!!

Swindle 05-18-2008 01:20 PM

I'm looking for a good snow job head. I bought my Snow job off of the net, and it has a big paint defect in his beard. I am also looking for Roadblock's amo... my cat bit it in half.

These are jurt two small items I'm looking to replace... anyone can help me, drop me a pm. I'd be willing to pay for a reasonable price.

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